🍋Zinnia X Last Male Human Reader

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While sleeping with Zinnia, (Y/N) had a nightmare. It had him back at the church and it was eerily empty. No sounds and the outside is pitch black. That is when he hears something behind him. Wishing he can use a dream weapon but he couldn't, so he turned around. It happened quick, a hand reached out and tried to grab him. And what he saw made him jump out of his skin, thankfully he woke up before it had the chance. He realizes he's still at the house and the snow storm has died down and the morning sun rises over the horizon. Rubbing his eyes and looking at Zinnia, he calmly sighed and kissed her. She kinda reacted by a small moan, but didn't wake up. Can't go back to sleep, (Y/N) decided to vent to one of her Pokemon about the dream, instead of waking her up. (Y/N) went to her pokeballs she kept on her belt and picked one that has Salamence. Zinnia almost woke up but turned and face a different direction. (Y/N) quietly sighed and went to another room with the pokeball and released the Pokemon from inside.

Salamence: Salamence.

(Y/N): Hey.... I know you take orders from Zinnia, but I need you to listen for a bit.

Curious, Salamence nodded and (Y/N) sat down on a wooden chair.

Salamence: Salamence?

(Y/N): Usually, I tell my mom about the nightmare. Makes me feel better getting it out of my chest, but she's not here anymore. Hope you don't mind if I tell you what I experienced.

Salamence: Salamence.

The Pokemon encouraged him to tell.

(Y/N): Back at the church, I was approached by someone from behind. It was horrible! Thinking about it felt like I'm bringing that thing to the real world, you know what I mean?

Salamence nodded, but saw something at the corner of his eye. It was behind (Y/N) and stood up to attack. (Y/N) noticed Salamence attention and he quickly looked behind him. There was nothing. Salamence was confused and a bit weary of what he saw.

Salamence: Salamence!

His cry woken up Zinnia. She went to the room where she heard it and saw (Y/N) and Salamence.

Zinnia: Hey boys, what's going on?

(Y/N): Nothing. Just talking about boy stuff.

Zinnia: Like?

(Y/N): Uhmm.. Comic books and girls?

Zinnia: Hehe, talking about me~?

(Y/N): Something like that.

Zinnia: Well the storm died down enough for us to go out.

(Y/N): Right, let's not waste time. We have to get to that lab!

Zinnia nodded in agreement and they leave the house they took shelter in, then venture out to the freezing world of Russia. They trek through snow and some roads whenever they find some. Salamence was ahead of them to protect them from any danger this place may have in store.

Zinnia: All this walking is boring!

(Y/N): I used to have comic books to keep me entertained. But I don't have them, since getting captured.

Zinnia: Damn. Here I thought I can enjoy some literature. Anyway, we should hopefully find a map of this place. Finding that lab is like finding a lab in a snow covered mountain.

(Y/N): That... Makes no sense. But the map part can be useful.

As they continued walking, they see a village with people.

Zinnia: Look! A village! Maybe we can get a map from the locals!

(Y/N) But I don't have a disguise. If they see me without one, it's going to cause a lot of problems.

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now