🍋Team Rocket Female Grunts Susan, Tiffany X Male Admin Reader

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2 weeks have passed, and (Y/N) fully embrace the criminal world. He's gotten into a lot of fights, both Pokemon battle, and hand to hand battle. His grunt partner, Susan stuck by his side. Through the acts and thievery of many things. It earned them a small reputation in Team Rocket, but the pay was still the same. Giovanni sees them as the first people to send in to retrieve or steal something that's valuable for the group. (Y/N) got his Pokemon, Cookie, to evolve into Furret. Even getting two extra Pokemon, without stealing of course. A Absol he caught near the mountains, and a Shuppet, which joined him, without needing to capture. Some days, (Y/N) trained his Pokemon to be stronger. However, he had his path crossed many times by Red, the Pokemon Trainer. He always lose, but luckily, he didn't get killed, just had his money taken. Better than losing your life. One day, he's called to Giovanni's office.

(Y/N): You wanted to see me, boss?

Giovanni: Yes, I do.

He passed him a disc.

Giovanni: Some grunts found it in a storage locker. But when we put it in the computer, it showed us some "interesting" information. Especially a familiar person, I once called a "friend".

(Y/N): And you're giving this to me?

Giovanni: To deliver it to him, Professor Oak. He knows what to do from there. Once the business is done, you're free to do whatever you want for today. Unless I call you on your Rocket Pager.

(Y/N): Yes sir.

Giovanni: Look for that old fart in Pallet Town. Dismissed.

He saluted his boss and leave the office. Outside of the HQ building, Susan is brushing her bird Pokemon, Pidgeot.

Susan: Who's a good birdie? You are! So cute and loyal. You definitely didn't shit in my FUCKING CEREAL! ..... Pretty bird.

(Y/N) comes out and opened a pack of cigarettes. He takes a cigarette and pulled out a PokeBall, that contains his bird Pokemon.

(Y/N): Susan, we're going to Pallet Town.

Susan: That quiet little town? Why?

(Y/N): I'll explain along the way.

He released his Pokemon, Fearow, and get on it's back. He fly in the air and Susan's Pidgeot fly up and carried her in the air. As they're flying, (Y/N) gave the details about their mission to Susan.

Susan: Oh yeah! I heard the other grunts managed to open a old looking locker.

(Y/N): And now, we're playing mailman and delivering the disc to the professor in the town.

Susan: There has to be more than just delivering.

(Y/N): Let's just do our job and we have the rest of the day off.

Susan: Really?! I can finally go to that bar I always wanted to go!

(Y/N): Good for you. I'll probably do training for the Pokemon and some exercising for myself.

Susan: You need to chill out. How about I treat you to a drink or two?

(Y/N) lit his cigarette and ignored her.

Susan: I'll take that silence as a yes!

Arriving at the town, they called their Pokemon back and find the building that the professor is in. (Y/N) pulled out his pistol and checked the ammo.

Susan: Like you said, it's a delivery job.

(Y/N): Knowing our luck, shit can hit the fan at any moment. And I don't want to be caught without being armed. Understand?

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now