Champion Selene X Male Trainer Reader

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10 Years later.

(Y/N) gets off the plane and take a boat ride to Melemele Island. He looked out at the sea, wondering if Selene is still here. The boat parked at the docks, (Y/N) takes his duffle bag and get off the boat. He walked through the Beachfront and made it to Hau'oil Outskirts. There, is the house. Selene's house she lives with her mom. (Y/N) go to the front door and ring the bell.

???: Coming! Just.... Give me a moment!

(Y/N) waits on the stairs. Then, the door opened and a Persian comes out and tackled (Y/N) off the stairs, and to the ground.

???: Persian! Off of him!

The Pokemon reluctantly listens and gets off of (Y/N).

???: I am so sorry about Persian.

(Y/N) gets up and dust himself.

(Y/N): I'm fine. Hello Selene's Mom.

Selene's Mom: (Y/N)?! I can't believe my eyes! How are you?

She hugged him.

(Y/N): I'm ok, but where's Selene?

Selene's Mom: Oh she's busy.... Doing stuff.

(Y/N): Ok, may I come in?

Selene's Mom: Of course, want something to drink?

(Y/N): Lemonade.

They go in and (Y/N) sat down on the couch.

(Y/N): How's life treating you?

Selene's Mom: Very good! I just got a letter from my husband. He's back at Kanto, working hard and sending us money.

She poured the lemonade into a cup and brings it to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Thanks, the drinks on the plane weren't great.

Selene's Mom: So why are you here? And... Where's your dad?

(Y/N): Uh... It's... Complicated. I rather tell you when Selene is here.

Soon, the front door opened and Selene comes in.

Selene: Mom! I'm home!

Selene's Mom: Selene, we have a guest.

Selene: If it's Hau, I'm leaving.

The bathroom door opened and (Y/N) comes out.

(Y/N): If it's me, would you still leave?

Selene gasp and walked towards (Y/N). Then ran and jumped, he caught her and she wrapped her arms around the back of the neck.

Selene: You're back!

She proceeded to hug him tightly and soon stopped when her mom started giggling.

Selene: It's been.... A long time.

(Y/N): Yeah, it has..

They're blushing but Selene changed the subject.

Selene: Look at you! You're taller than me!

(Y/N): It happens. So, let's all sit down and let me explain why I'm here.

They sat down on the couch, Persian laid down on Selene's Mom's feet.

Selene: What's going on?

(Y/N): After my dad invested in stocks, he was hoping it would rise.

Selene: But it drop?

(Y/N): Down to the Earth's core... It made him depressed. A couple years later, I returned back home from school... I found him dead.

Selene's Mom gasp.

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now