🍋Zinnia X Last Male Human Reader

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Arceus: You understand why I'm asking you this?

Zinnia: So the last human male can fix your mess.

Arceus: Don't test me human! Remember, I can send you back!

Zinnia: N-No! I'll do whatever! Just don't send me back there!

Arceus: Good. You must protect him and make sure he gets to where he needs to be.

Zinnia: Ok I'm on it... But, what if-

Arceus: You die? Simply come back to life shortly after your death. Now, go. And remember, I'm watching you.

Then, Zinnia woke up and groaned. She felt the pain slowly going away as her body is back to normal. Then she looked around, she is in a wooden crate with dead women and Pokemon.

Zinnia: Well, that fucking hurts... Better find (Y/N) and get him away from Magma and Aqua.

Zinnia pushed opened the lid to the wooden crate to peak out. There, she sees the location she's in. A small warehouse with a few grunts patrolling to keep the inventory safe. Zinnia quietly gets out and sneak her way towards the exit. But before so, she gets spotted by a Team Magma Grunt. But she was tipsy and couldn't keep her balance.

Team Magma Grunt: Hey you! What the fuck are you doing..... Here....

She collapses on the floor. Zinnia got an idea and strip the clothes off of the grunt to use as a disguise. Once in uniform, Zinnia exit out of the warehouse and finds herself in a large, heavily guarded compound.

Zinnia: Finding (Y/N) is going to be hard.....


(Y/N) is escorted by the grunts to a big office.

Team Aqua Grunt: Ma'am's, we brought someone that'll interest you.

The two bosses who taken over the teams when their bosses died came over to see. Their eyes widen when they see (Y/N).

???: Really? A boy..

One of them checked by going into his pants, much to (Y/N)'s dismay, but he doesn't much freedom to stop them. When she finished feeling his dick and balls, she then checked his neck and gets super excited.

???: We officially got the last man. This one isn't a false god!

The grunts gasped and (Y/N) clenched his fist.

(Y/N): Yeah I'm the last one, big fucking deal! I will never let you repopulate with me!

???: Boy, you don't have a choice.

(Y/N): And who do you think you are saying that?!

Shelly: Shelly, leader of Team Aqua!

Courtney: Courtney, leader of Team Magma.

(Y/N): .....

Shelly: So tell me... Where we're you the whole time?

(Y/N): .....

Courtney: I suggest you talk. If you know what's good for you.

(Y/N): Fuck you...

Courtney: What-


Courtney slapped (Y/N).

Courtney: Speak to me respectfully.


Then, both of Shelly and Courtney's eyes become dull.

Shelly: Did you say... Zinnia? The woman who ruined everything along side that kid?

Courtney: If I remember correctly, she was killed by Rayquaza. The recon team saw and reported.

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now