🍋Team Rocket Female Grunts Susan, Tiffany X Male Executive Reader

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The next day, Susan is tasked by Petrel to give (Y/N) his new executive admin uniform. She takes the high ranking uniform and went to (Y/N)'s room. As she opened the door, expecting to see (Y/N). However...

(Y/N): Then I kicked him in the nuts. By accident.

Tiffany: That doesn't sound like a accident.

(Y/N): Legit, I'm not a violent person!

Susan: Yeah right!

Susan made her presence known and walked up to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Susan I-

Susan: I don't want to hear it! Here's your fucking uniform and don't talk to me ever again!

Susan stormed off before (Y/N) can explain himself.

Tiffany: You were with her?

(Y/N): ....

Tiffany: I need to go too. Get the med kits ready for the mission.

Tiffany put on her uniform and leave. (Y/N) sighed, then he looked at the uniform. A fancy, yet respectable attire that's given to the most dedicated and professional members of the organization. Putting on the uniform and looking in the mirror, he's the opposite of that. He just gotten lucky with his progress to reach where he is today. Loading the pistol and grabbing and storing extra mags, (Y/N) put on the belt that contains his Pokemon.

(Y/N): Time to get this shit over with.

(Y/N) exits out of his room and went to the entrance of the hideout. There, what's left of the grunts are there including Susan and Tiffany. Petrel and Proton are there waiting for (Y/N) to come.

Petrel: About damn time you get your sorry ass here.

(Y/N): In case your blind, I am a higher level than you.

Petrel: But at the end of the day, you'll still be that kid I found on the streets.

Proton: If you two are done, we have a mission to do.

Petrel: Yeah yeah, I think it'll be best to give a speech to the grunts. They look like they need the boost in morale. So why not the executive do just that?

(Y/N) mummers to himself than got in the middle of the room and prepare his speech.

(Y/N): Alright grunts, listen up! This mission is the most dangerous you'll ever be in. There's a slight chance we'll succeed, however, we have numbers compared to one scientist. I know we can do it if we don't do anything stupid, that'll jeopardize the mission. Do I make myself clear?

Grunts: YES SIR!

Then Proton and Petrel stand by (Y/N).

Petrel: This is a one way trip, no going back. Eh, who am I kidding? You grunts don't have much of a choice to abandon the mission.

Proton: If any of you do, we won't hesitate to take you out ourselves!

(Y/N): With that out of the way, let's get to the lab and take down that professor!

Petrel: His location is at Pallet Town, so let's not waste any time then!

All of them leave and Giovanni and Blaine are at the lab.

Giovanni: Hmmm...

Blaine: Something on your mind?

Giovanni: We need more grunts after this. But also, what is he going to do with that one Pokemon? Sure it's menacing, but it's just one. He's planning something else and that Pokemon is perhaps a red herring.

Female Pokemon Trainers/NPCS X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now