Chapter Seven: Management & Arrivals

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Okay okay, so so so sorry this chapter took so long, I was just needing motivation and inspiration. I finally found some, so hopefully this isn't complete trash.


(Liam's POV)

Me and the boys all turned at the same time, quickly glancing at each other. No one moved.

Not it. Harry and Louis said quickly, Niall and Zayn joining belatedly.

They all ran down the stairs, making an awful racket. If whoever's at the door didn't know somebody was here, they do now. I sighed loudly, making my way back up the stairs, tripping over Niall's guitar on the way.

When I finally got to the door, I looked through the peephole, praying the fans hadn't climbed over the gate again.

Thankfully-I guess- it was just management. How and why they chose to show up out of the blue, I don't know, but since they're here, I opened the door.

Simon and the rest of his minio-associates, just like three others, quickly stepped in.

"Hello Liam." Simon said, walking past me into the dining room, like this was normal. "Could you call the rest of the boys up here please?"

"Uh, yeh, sure." I replied, turning around and heading down the stairs yet again. When I came into the room, the boys were all just messing around, as per normal.

"So who was at the door Li?" Zayn asked, being the first one to notice I was in the room.

"Yeah was it the fans or did Niall order Nandos or something?" Louis joked, earning a pillow to the face from Niall.

"Neither. Modest is here." The words caused simultaneous sighs from all over the room.

"Must they ruin every good day?" Harry groaned.

Ignoring his comment, I continued. "He wants everyone up there. Got protocol or something I guess to go over before Morgan gets here."

"This should be fun." Louis deadpanned, but followed me up the stairs anyway.


Once the normal "pleasantries" were exchanged, Simon wasted no time getting right into it.

"Now, you all are very aware that we are allowing Liam's friend from America to join you guys for the next several months. We understand this is a rare thing, seeing as you aren't on tour yet, and you haven't finished recording the album, but we decided to make an acceptation. As such, we have some ground rules and new protocol to go over."

The men who had accompanied Simon set papers on the table. Surprisingly, Harry was the first one to reach out and grab them, skimming them briefly, before handing them over to me. I didn't bother reading them, however, because Simon obviously was going to just tell us everything anyways.

"Okay, so I know you are a bunch of teenage boys, and some of you-" He glanced at Niall and Harry knowingly "are single. However, I want nothing scandalous while she is here. The last thing you need is negative media attention. So, here are the rules. For the next month, no clubbing or going to bars, we don't need you high or hungover while recording, or making some stupid decision that could be caught by paps. Second, until we get a feel on the fans reaction to Morgan, I don't want you to talk about her in interviews unless it is a pre-approved question."-I wanted to protest, but I decided against it. I'd leaving sassing Simon to Louis and Zayn.- "Also-Louis pay attention- she may not come to the recording studio with you unless you check with me first, because I don't need her distracting you-"

Louis cut in, laughing. "What d'you think she's gonna do? Honestly its just a teenager girl, not a-I don't know- prostitute. She's not gonna just throw herself at us."

Zayn agreed, "Plus as you pointed out, most of us are taken. I don't think she's gonna be a problem."

Simon shook his head, as if he were dealing with children. "It doesn't matter what actually happens. If the media even alludes to something, not only are you all dooming yourselves, your messing up her life too. Liam, I expect you to keep them all in line."

I hadn't really thought this is where the conversation would go, but I nodded anyways, agreeing. "Of course Simon."

Looking pleased-he had gotten his way after all- he added one last thing. "Her plane arrives at 7:00 out time. Paul and security will go pick her up, but you all will be staying here."

"Why, is it past our bedtime?" Louis asked mockingly.

"No, we just don't need paps swarming her, and I'm sure Liam will agree, wont you?" Simon asked.

I'm normally pretty patient, but oh I hated Simon right now. "Yeah, I think it's a good idea."

Management looked pleased, and left with very little fanfare afterwards. The boys all exchanged looks, before shaking their heads and sighing. Whenever Simon and his lackeys visited, we were always all out of sorts afterwards, not making for a very productive day. Still, we had a job to do.

"Alright lads," I tried to be upbeat, "lets go practice."


(Four hours later, Morgan's POV)

I had never been a really big fan of flying, even though I rarely do it anyways. It's not like I'm poor, but money can get tight sometimes, so we've never really gone on trips. Liam and his folks always just flew to us, the few times we did get together in person. But anyways, six hours in a plane had made me very very thankful for solid ground.

Stepping off the plane, I was immediately grateful for my hoodie, the outside air being cold and damp. Good to know Liam hadn't been lying about the insane amount of rain he got.

I went to the baggage terminal and found my stuff pretty fast. After that, I got a little bit anxious, seeing as I couldn't find where I was supposed to meet Liam. I wandered in circles for a bit, pretty aimlessly, before running into someone and dropping my stuff.

Sighing, I quickly apologized, before grabbing my bags from the floor. As soon as I straightened up, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Morgan Thomas?"

"Um," I turned around, seeing a vaguely familiar person "who's asking?"

The man smiled, holding out his hand, which I shook. "I'm Paul, head of the boys security. Apologies for our lateness, traffic can be horrid this time of day."

I finally recognized him, having seen him in many photos online, often times with one of the boys thrown over his should cause they'd been trying to run. Even though I was a bit confused, I smiled. "No worries, I'm just glad I won't have to sleep in the airport."

"No, Liam would've killed me." Paul responded, laughing, before guiding me outside to a black SUV. Once I was in the car, my stuff safely secured in the back, he climbed into the drivers seat, starting the car.

"We'll be there in about twenty minutes, thankfully the boys don't live too far from Heathrow now."

"No problem," I said, not really paying attention.

The whole situation was finally really sinking in. I was in London, about to meet my best friend for the first time in years, and the rest of his mildly attractive bandmates. Not to mention living in a house full of boys, something that would definitely be interesting. My mind was going out of my control again, all full and moving way too fast. Slowly, I put my head in my hands, focusing on my breathing. I'm here, I'm okay, and this is all gonna be okay. I'm in control, the world is not falling. I'm here and I'm in control.

After who knows how long, I finally was able to sit upright again, looking out the window for the remainder of the ride. Finally, the car screeched to a halt, and I had arrived.


So sorry for the wait, but hopefully it was worth it! I'm going to try for an update every other day, but honestly who knows, life gets hectic. Don't forget to vote and please comment I love feedback. :)

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