Chapter Eight: Singing & Sass

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Morgan's POV

Slowly, I stepped out onto damp pavement, scared I was gonna trip or do something equally embarrassing. Walking around, I grabbed my bags from the trunk, but I didn't make it very far before Paul took them.

When I protested, he wouldn't hear a word of it. Then I started to walk up the path, making it to the door. I reached to ring the bell, but Paul just laughed.

"Don't bother, it's probably unlocked. As many times as the fans have broken in, the boys never learn."

Laughing, I opened the door.

Stepping inside, I helped Paul put my bags down in the foyer, before going further, stepping into what I assume was the living room. It was empty, but I could hear noise, I just couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I went into a doorway to the left of the living room and found the stairs to what I guess was the basement. Quietly, I crept down the stairs, listening to one of the coolest things I'd ever heard.

"Tell me a liiiiiie" I could easily pick that out as Zayn, knowing he was the only one who did the high notes.

"Tell me I'm a screwed up mess, that I never listen listen." I was gonna guess that was Niall, cause he sounded like his mouth was full.

"Tell me you don't want my kiss, that you need your distance distance." That had to be Louis, he had my second favorite vocal range.

"Tell me anything, but don't just say he's what your missing baby, if he's the reason that'your leavin' me tonight, spare what your thinking-"

I reached the end of the stairs just as Zayn and Louis finished out the end of the song, backing Liam up. Because that had been Liam. My best friend. Singing.

Yes obviously I knew he could sing, but I'd never heard him.. I dunno "live".

The end of the song caused them all to break out into what could only be described as pure, uncontrolled noise and chaos. Shouting was done, pillows were thrown, and someone fell over the back of the couch- which made me laugh. Somehow that one noise caused a pause, and I immediately felt a room full of boys staring at me. I know it was probably a minute at most, but it felt like forever.

In the time it took for me to blink, Liam was over and by my side, hugging me, laughing. It made me forget why I was so worried.

"Li don't forget you have Danielle!"

I recognized the voice, and didn't miss a beat. "Shut it Louis."

Me and Liam finally let go, and I was greeted by three other equally chaotic beings.

Niall was first, hugging me same as Liam, a gesture that would've felt weird from any other guy, but strangely not with him.

"Thank goodness you're actually here liam's been freaking out all day."

I smiled, looking over at him knowingly. "yeah that sounds about right."

Then there was Zayn, who was a bit quieter than Niall, but also hugged me.

"Nice to finally meet you."

"You too."

Which left of course, Louis Tomlinson. I didn't know where Harry was.

"So," I asked, smirking. "are you still sad I told you to be quiet Tomlinson?"

He laughed, matching my sarcasm. "I believe your exact words were shut up actually."

"Technically I said shut it."

He smirked, but I could tell he wanted to smile. "Technically, that's still very rude."

I grinned, "Really?"

He smiled, coming over tugging on my ponytail, he replied. "Yup. Which just means your at least interesting. I must confess Payno, I was worried she was gonna be as boring as you."

"Color me offended." Liam huffed.

I laughed, realizing I felt perfectly at home with these dorks.

"Aw, don't worry Liam, at least your not a crazy mofo like Niall."

He sighed, rubbing his head, which made me realize something.

"Liam, your hair!"

"What?" He asked, confused.

"It's- " I couldn't find the right word, "you shaved it!"

"Oh, " he laughed "that. Yeah."

"It's a tragedy, isn't Morgan?" Louis asked dramatically. "He brings nothing to the band anymore."

"Yeah, nothing except an amazing voice and a lot of talent." I replied, causing Zayn to 'ooh'.

"Looks like you've finally got competition Tommo."

I laughed, but it quickly turned into a yawn, which I'd hoped Liam didn't notice, but of course he did.

"Alright, you and Louis can continue your battle of wits in the morning, Morgan. You need sleep."

"Nah, Li, I'm fine."

"Uh huh, and the sky is purple."


Liam laughed, "I thought we were saying things that weren't true. Come on, I'll help you with your bags."


Once we got all my stuff upstairs, Liam left me alone. My room here was at least three times the size of mine at home, with an attached bathroom, thank goodness. Not that I didn't trust the boys, but I really didn't want to have to share with five boys.

I took a longer shower, not ridiculously long, but like thirty minutes. I decided to wash my hair, even though I'd just done it two days ago. It was just sorta greasy, that's all.

Once I was done, I washed my face, and dried my hair. Putting on my blue and black plaid pajama pants and black tank top. Crawling into my luxurious bed, pausing only to grab Little Women from my bag, I read until I fell asleep.


Heyyy, hope this is a good length

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