Chapter Fourteen: Studio & Simon

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After walking away from Harry, I went back over to Paul.

"Are you sure I should be here?"

He nodded, "I already checked with Management and they said it's alright."

I tried to act like that was comforting ,but I seemingly failed. Paul laughed, "Don't worry, they don't bite."

"At least not right away," Louis quipped, ignoring Paul's glare.

Even though he was joking, that didn't really comfort me.

Get a grip. The last thing you need is to become some jumpy, scared, anxious little maudlin girl. If anyone found out-

"Morgan!" Liam's voice broke my thoughts and I had to race to catch up.


After getting in the elevator- in which Louis clearly had to restrain himself from pushing all the buttons- it was only a few minutes before we got to their studio.

It was impressive, not that I have many professional grade recording studios to compare it with. The actual recording booth itself took up about a quarter of the fairly large room. The tech and controls probably alone were worth a fortune, not to mention all the instruments. Although the boys hadn't been too jazzed about doing recording today, even I could see the bit of excitement in them. After all, this is what they love to do.

Another guy walked in, only a little older than me I guessed, probably like twenty-three or so. He greeted the boys enthusiastically, purposely misnaming them. ( He called Zayn, Zach; Harry was Hiram; Louis was Lewis; Liam as Lucas; And finally Niall was Neil.)

After their pleasantries, during which I tried to shrink into what I called an invisible corner. A technique I had perfected over the years, which worked well. The guy completely ignored me as he began to lay out the next week for the boys.

"Alright so today we're gonna finalize the expanded edition of Take Me Home, starting with the singles. Management said Live While Were Young is gonna be the lead single and the opening track of the album-"

Harry laughed triumphantly, that same stupide dimpled grin on his face as Niall and Louis both handed him over ten pounds; the rest of the group ignored this, so I guess this was normal.

"- and the next two will be Kiss You and Little Things, both with accompanying music videos of course. However, we've got a lot to do today. Out of the twenty one tracks, we've got to lay down about two and a half today. Hopefully we're gonna start with Harry's song." He turned his attention to Harry. "Did you finish the song mate?"

"Well, er, yeh, but it's uh back at the house." He stumbled, clearly not prepared to speak.

The guy-he never did say his name- nodded, taking the words. "Alright, that's okay we'll just move it back in the queue. Let's start with vocals for Live While We're Young. Liam your up first."

There was at least ten minutes of prepping the studio but then all the boys went in, put those ridiculously large headphones on and the magic began.

"Hey girl I'm waiting on ya-"


Two hours later, and we still had another 45 seconds to record of raw vocals. For the first song. Jeez this takes forever.

I mean, there were benefits, such as listening to the boys sing live, which was probably my favorite thing. However, Harry kept looking at me between takes. I knew that something had happened between us, but to be quite honest, I don't like thinking about it. Thinking leads to overthinking and overthinking leads to a mental breakdown and One Direction's recording studio is the last place I want to have a mental breakdown.

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