Chapter Nineteen: Throwbacks & Change Of Plans

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(Harry's POV)

The next morning, if you can call it that, given as the sun never really rose properly, I was too lazy to get up and make breakfast, deciding to leave the boys to fend for themselves.

After all, if they're capable of touring the world, I'm sure that they are competent enough to use the microwave to reheat all of yesterday's leftovers.

At least that's what I assumed, until the doorbell ringing echoed throughout the house. I suppose I should've seen that coming.

Rubbing my eyes, I turned and rolled out of bed (literally), before checking the time.

7:00 AM

Whoever was up and ordering food this early after last night was genuinely a psycho.

Heading downstairs, I tried not to make much noise, assuming it was probably just Niall up and hungry, but no, I walked into the living room and everyone was awake.




Louis was on the far end of the couch, arm around Gracie who was turned talking to Morgan, who glanced at me quickly but then just as quickly looked away. And of course Louis noticed.

"Hey Haz," he said cheerfully.

"Erm, hey Lou." I muttered.

"You seem to be missing something," he continued.


"A shirt." Gracie said, joining her boyfriend, turning to face me.

Sure enough, I looked down, and I was just in sweatpants. That would explain..a lot actually.

Pretending not to mind, I shrugged, before asking the obvious. "What are you all doing up?"

Liam walked into the room, answering. "Managements gonna be here in a few minutes. Said they got some updates."

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Morgan freeze like an animal in headlights. Turning back to Liam, I tried to see if he had seen what I did, but if he had, he just ignored it in favor of still being pissed off at me.

"Might wanna get actual clothes on Harold." He said, before leaving again.

I rolled my eyes, momentarily considering taking a page out of Louis' book, before just deciding that it wouldn't be worth it. I didn't bother putting on a shirt—mainly to spite Liam—I just grabbed a beanie to cover up my bed head and came back into the room and waited with everyone else.

Finally, the doorbell rang and just like last time Liam went to answer it. A moment later, Simon strolled into the room, by himself surprisingly, all smiles. It's too early for this, I thought, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning all! Hope you all got a good enough night's sleep, yeah?" Simon said, looking around.

Zayn shrugged, but we all just nodded. It's not like the answer would change the reality. Simon continued on, "Good, good. So you all know, it's Tuesday today, so it's Kiss You video shoot. Tomorrow's Little Things, then Thursday tickets for your UK leg go on sale. Friday, you have your first show here at Wembley, meet and greet beforehand of course. I also must mention that we still need you to decide on an opening act—"

Louis raised his hand, but didn't bother for Simon to say anything, just started speaking "I have a suggestion—"

"Do you now, Louis?" Simon said wearily.

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