Chaper 9

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My dad bit me twice when the time was restored. "Dad why?" I asked. "You were giving too much pheromones to us." What the fuck? "Again. Pheromones? What kind, how and why." I asked him. "Not the mating kind. Well maybe." He was hard. Of course. "Dad you are hard." Fenris was furious at me. "Yes of course your father and I were busy when Shadow was coming our room." That explains the chains. I stood in front of him and looked at them.

"They are not like Gleipnir, but good fakes." I said. My voice wasn't cold or anything but Fenris was happy with the compliment. He liked to caged. "That wasn't a invitation." I laughed. "No I know but you seemed to happy when I said it.

That hurts brother. "Shut up boy. You are one of us now." My senses were sharper than them so I heard his lies when he lied. "Am I?" I asked. "You are. Pup stand up and fight me." No I can't, is this really pack that he founded? I am none of them and yet I am. My brother smiled and pushed me on the ground. "You will never earn your room back this way." He said and I walked out of the room.

The sun was shining in the garden but I felt lonely. "Are you alright?" Someone asked. "Yes." I lied. "No you are not, I know how it feels." I saw Lauren talking but I couldn't care less. "Look I will tell you one thing. You have met him. You are them, Fenris already knows and thought you were brave for some reason. We need to talk." He said and my hands were shaking. I followed him inside.

"You are something else Alex." Lauren said when he gave me some tea. "What do you mean." My heart was pounding and racing at the same time. I couldn't focus on Lauren. "You seem troubled. Is it because someone wanted you as a weapon?" Lauren's words sank in and looked down. "I am not the same as that person." I lied. "Still lying to protect yourself from the truth. What should I do with you." His hands were on my shoulders, someone looked at me.

"Dierre!" Lauren shouted. "Laur how are you? You worried me." It was a girl. "Alexander this Dierre my mate." I smiled to her. "Nice to meet you." I tried to stand up and walk away for them to continue their conversation, but Lauren held me close. "Lauren I can't get enough air." I said. His eyes were red with fire. "Lauren stop it!" I tried to say. "You smell of another man." I really hoped it wasn't the case. "Not in the way you think darling. We had some coffee." Continue please. "Who was it?" Lauren teeth should have been broken with his strenght. "The gardener. Next time I will tell you in advance or else this happens again." She sighed. Lauren hands were freed from my body but it was sore.

Dierre seemed to hold a paper. "I have something for you Laur it is a letter from them." Lauren grabbed the paper and read it. "Stupid counsel they want the body." Dierre was shocked by this. "They want my body?" I asked. "No Alex. You have been gone for 12 years. So they made a new weapon against the werewolves." Lauren said too calm. "They did what! Tell me Lauren what did you do! Everyone today wasn't acting like themselves. You gave them a drug." Whoops I shouldn't have said that they were angry with me. Until Dierre laughed. "That was bit of stretch Alex right?" I nodded. "People change." She said.

My eyes were pale blue, meaning death was coming. "Alex!" Someone shouted. "......" That is when I felt it. Te dagger of death returned to her. "Impossible. You shouldn't have it." Well technically someone could have found it. "True but when I was introduced to this pack I found it in one of the drawers inside of a room." Probably my room. "Magic itself can kill anyone." That sentence wasn't from me but from Amaterasu.

"Dierre, why do you have it." Why did Amy gave me both camera's? 'Amaterasu why did you gave it to me.' I asked her. 'Something is up with her, the dagger and now that you are back, the dagger wants to be with you.' She said.

"A bloodcurse obedience spell? Really?" I laughed. "Why didn't it work on you two." Dierre asked. "The trail is over." She said. "Good work Alex, it took you a while." Amaterasu was confused. "Messing with our head like that isn't funny." I said. "Well I needed to know if you were real." She lifted the curse on anyone. "I am real but different." I said.

There were screams in the house. "What now." I heard Lauren shouting. "Nothing alpha." 2 males said. Seems fine. "Young one." I went silent to that. "Alex come here." I heard from the same voice. "No!" Why is it that everytime that I am here that someone needs me. "Why not?" It was my mate Junior. "I wanted to say to you that I moved on." It made sense. "Okay good luck with him or her." I said, it didn't hurt to say this. "Really!? Alex you said it like it was just a normal." I should tell him. "June he is gone I am a helleum bound creature." I said. "So who was the soul." Junior asked. "A small chance you have known him." He tried to smile but sadness was written all over his face. "I should have said it in another way didn't I."

A few hours later I walked to the diningroom but almost nothing was there, except a small letter. 'Alex you seemed tired after last night, you have the house to yourself until tomorrow.' Crap. "Shit not only I need to spend the whole full moon alone I don't even know what happens to me during it." My body was shaking, it was going to freeze. I looked everywhere for some wood when I remembered the house had a heater. I looked through the window and noticed that it was noon.

I walked to the library to find something to read. "Where was that book." I looked over in the bookcase and found it on the highest shelf. I grabbed a stool and tried to grab it. "Please, I need grab it." I said when I fell from the stool with me the bookcase.

When I was organising it, I stumbled upon a very old dairy and put it on the table, close to the book I intentionally wanted. A few minutes later I was done and walked with the two items to the living room.

The first book was about werewolves. "Kinds of werewolves and how to deal with them." It sounded like a how-to-kill guide. "Okay, what was it what he had called me...Twilight werewolf right?" I looked at the table of contents and didn't see it. "There goes my plan." I muttered. So I put it away in the library and grabbed the diary. "Subject." The title didn't give a clue. "What kind of dairy starts with subject." I mocked but I started to think it was more of an journal about an experiment. "Okay what kind of experiment was it." I opened it and saw a familiar handwriting. "Lauren's of course." With that knowledge I read further. Until about a chapter with a marking. "Today, 27 of April stellar year 230, I met a particular boy with an aura of dragon. However he wasn't one, but I learnt he was living on the street for sometime." That chapter gave me some clues but nothing shocking. "He introduced himself as Lycan. The name is common for werewolves, but never for offspring of dragons, so I wondered who he was or more importantly what." Great his writing his more confusing than when he talks. "He is young, but he liked me for some reason. It could have been because he was lower than me in rank, yet I stumbled upon the problem that I couldn't figure out his rank. It was like he hadn't one. When I questioned him about it, he said it wasn't important. Hadrian told me about Zeta, the paralel world. He said that there were powerful werewolves. I asked him why he knew but he went silent." I closed the book for a few minutes to rest and make some tea

I ended up with making the Dutch equivalent of gingerbread called speculaas. "Really why did I do that." I asked myself and I grabbed something other than my tea and it burned my skin. "Pain, pain and more pain." I was used by on occasion burning myself, but it still hurt. I walked to the kitchen to grab myself a wet towel when the door opened. "What now." I muttered. "Hello! Is someone here." I heard someone speak. He had an knife. "Welcome to the..." He ran to me and the knife almost in my heart. The nerve, trying to murder me. "Virgo form." I shifted to embodiment of zodiac sign Virgo and hit him with all my might. "Really? One hit." I forgot that humans were a bit fragile. "You murderous being. You killed me family." He said. "Why does this kind of episodes happen to me." I muttered sounding now more female like. I shifted back to my 'real' form. "Who have send you?" I asked. "The warlord." He spoke. "Listen boy I am old enough to know about the warlords." My heart wasn't damaged. Thank god. "The lord of creation." This made me wonder. "Why?" I asked.

"Why? Because you are getting in the way of his plans, to turn you over to Zeta." I knew something was going on. "You are a addict go away." I with a flick my finger he disappeared. I summoned all my strenght to heal my wound. "No only wait for Lauren." I spoke a ancient spell that protected the house.

"Why is the house sealed?" Max asked. I destroyed the protection for them to enter. "Funny Alex." I didn't shift tonight because of wounds I had. "Why is it that everytime I am alone someone wants to murder me." I looked at them differently. "Sorry. I summon you, Angel of revenge." The sentense was spoken under my breath. "My lord, how can I help you?" The angel said to me. Lauren knew what was going on and walked to me. "You should have been dead." I tried not to cry. Instead I made the biggest mistake.

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