Chapter 12

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What happened? I don't know, where am I? I asked myself. Somewhere strange. I saw some butterflies and birds when he came to me. "Your wolf is demon-like boy." The man said every night in my dreams. "You haven't much time Garm." The man seemed worried. "..." I couldn't speak. "You are you, nothing else." The words sank in. "Sleep with me." My eyes were heavy. "You really need to sleep."

I groaned in pain when I woke up. "Alex thank god you are alive." Lauren hugged me. "What where? My head still hurts a bit. Please slow down and tell me what is happening." They talked to me about what happened, that the heat was removed by Alistar a.k.a. Amaterasu and the spell was properly removed. "Who was it in my dream." I asked. I looked out the window to see what happened and saw fire coming in from the vampires. "Really okay I am going downstairs." I said.

I walked to the Prime Minister Florina Nightcrawler. "Good afternoon." I said sleepy. If she could kill me just with looking, she would. "You know why I am here." She shouted. "No not at all." Just the look of her face was worth millions. "Then let me explain, mutt. You will deliver the bloodslave to me or your building will be destroyed." I thought about it, the life of Hadrian was worth more than a building full of artefacts. "No. You killed everyone he loved and on top I led him to here." My voice was breaking down, anger filled my words and if the emotion take control of me she would die. "Big words for a small person. Kill him and take the slave." The soldiers nodded and charged with a fire spell. "I summon you angel of prosperity, demon of death and angel of revenge." I stood silently and gave them commands how to strike. The soldiers went down immediately. "Your are a beast, mutt." I lost it and shifted to the form I never wanted to go anymore. "..." I ran towards the vampire charging my attack and sliced her head off and drank her blood. "Alex what happened?" Lauren screamed when he saw what I was doing. "What? I am only drinking her blood." My voice wasn't accustomed to my form.

Lauren was still panicking so that was amusing. "Lauren?" He was unconscious and was now laying on the ground, terrific. "I hope he isn't dead or I will revive him in the worst possible way." I felt his heartbeat.

It was weak, the stress and my hobby was too much for him. I shifted back. I used the thirteenth kind of forbidden magic to heal him. "Alex how did you do that?" He asked once he woke up. "Just sleep Lauren." I broke a law for you. I shifted back to that form and lied next to him. "Lauren you are not a danger to me, but I am one to you. That is why I left that day."

I remembered how that went, Lauren wanted to propose to me and Venessa wanted to kill the man. I am still not sure what her reason was, I refused to kill him and ran away from her. Not much later I was found by Lauren, but my body was too weak and Vanessa created me to destroy Lauren. By making my blood out of Lauren's weakness, the shadow flower and dragon flower.

"We can't mate Lauren." I walked away to the shed. "Where is he?" Lauren was panicking and shouting against Amaterasu. "Alex come out of your room." I didn't react I walked to the back door to go away.

"Junior go to the back door now!" I heard someone shouting, but for them it was too late I was already gone.

A few hours later

Stupid fate, stupid stupid fate. "Alex you stunt today was gone wrong." Okay could be worse. The judge said it firmly to make sure I would understand him. "Hereby I the court finds you guilty for using forbidden magic and you will be sentenced to death." My heart was pounding, was this really the might a god should wield? I knew the judge but this sentence was insane. "Judge if I may speak." He shook his head, so kept myself quiet. "No, your sentence will not even help, death will come to you." "Lauren is found dead today boy with poison in his body." Poison? Wait none knows about Lauren's weakness. "Do you have evidence that I did it though?" I pointed out. "Yes witnesses told me that you dissappeared afterwards." "I used forbidden magic to heal him not kill him I never used blood magic on him." I growled at the judge.

The Starsoul Legacy 1: GarmWhere stories live. Discover now