bonus chapter

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Junior's POV.

I saw him fade away when uncle Fenny and Granddad awoke. "You where is he?" Uncle's grip almost broke my neck. "I...don't...know." I choked and felt that I would be fainting. "Stop it both!" A very female voice said.

She looked like Alex, but female-like. Her hair was curly and long, her face so cute, her eyes were yellow. "June." She said. She worried me. "You both were supposed to dead. survived but witnessed it as well." What was she talking about?" Her eyes shined white. "Dad will return, but not as the same person, it will happen when the earth has been restored." She fainted after the last word was spoken. She fell on me and was mummering. "Lycan. Death. Union of darkness." Holy scrimp. "She fainted." Uncle said. His eyes were more feral looking now. Like he was ruled by something. "June this is the real Fenrisúlfr." Granddad explained. Alex's body was laying lifeless on the ground covered in moss and mud. "Lillith!?" Uncle's voice was high enough to scatter glass. A young woman saw Alex's body and walked to it. "You are her?" She didn't move and held the body close to her. I heard her cry. "My condoleance Lillith." Her hands were holding Alex tight. "Thanks lord Fenris and Lauren." The voice of her was monotone.

The girl woke up a few minutes later when we arrived at the family mausoleum and after we buried Alex there. "He is gone." Her eyes were red. "Who are you?" I asked the girl. "Florina, maiden of time." She answered. "Okay, so you can see the future?" My question was more of a confirmation. "Yes and the" I knew she was on standing on her own feet, but if I held her she would have fallen. "Dad!?" I was now confused. Lillith looked at me as if I was nuts. "Yes, Alex created...her with all of you." She pointed to all the living men around her. "I mean he created her with using a part of your core. Like he was created." Wait! That means he had incest sort of. "Lycan used his own core as a base, then he modified it with the other cores." She showed me a video. "Tell me how come that you know how he is created." I snarled. "Grim, Alexis, Mom and Artemis created him, I was 16 when that happened. The only downside is that he was the only successful experiment." My heart pounded hard and I hit her. "He is a living person, not an labrat." She smiled and hit me twice as hard. "I know that, mom told me that there were others before him but they never carried his genes. The genes of a true matebond." "My parents were mates too, they never made it far more clearer." Behind me stood a powerful dragon. "Glacies hi." Fenris smiled, but dad apparently snorted I think, I don't know what the dragon version is. "Alexsei, Zachariah?" Translation: Is Alex dead? "Agron. Dosac Teris Lavin." Lauren said. Yes. He killed himself. "Doma Tirra Akanis." Dammit False dragon. It continued a long time. As Lillith looked at me she smiled at me, what was I feeling? Alex is my mate. "Alex's final gift to this world. The gift of choice and fate. They shortening the world's life. Until the embodiment is needed, then it will be renewed." Florina spoke those words with blue eyes, it was clear that she saw a vision. "The hell!" "Those who already found love aren't affected by the spell. Those who lost or never found their mate..." She awoke from her vision and we were all staring at her. "Your mate is waiting on the other side." She said. "No he died." I destroyed my own happiness once and I will never do it again. "Lycan will not have another mate, he found his love, in you June." I killed Florina by slicing her throat.

After a few weeks Lillith and I got engaged and were married in August. My family was there and younger nephews and nieces I wanted to marry with Alex, but his father wouldn't allow it. My bride was beautiful, I remembered that her lips were full and one thing led to another 2 children were born with my sperm. Take that Alex.

I went to all of their schoolprojects, parent meetings and open days. Making myself the perfect husband and father for my family.

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