Chapter 10

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I made a big mistake. He was coughing blood. "Lauren I am sorry." My hand was slapped away when I reached for him. "You are like him boy, too much." My eyes went to blue. "Lauren stop." He reached for me to kill when. "I summon you, Artemis." A blazing fire appeared and the demon Artemis was standing in the middle. "Artemis don't kill him." He smiled at me. "Nothing worry little boss he only will regret it." He said in a sexy scottish accent. "Why did I summon you."

For Artemis doing he was rather soft to Lauren. Only playing with him. "Ain't that nice a obedient spell is not working." Weird normally he would say. "Slave magic." There it is. I was getting worried about Artemis. Dierre walked towards us and was angry at Lauren. "Fair lady, he broke free from your grasp." Artemis's accent was astonishing and well preserved, like his hate for the English people. "I thought his hate for was gone. God damn it." I smiled, I liked it. "My lord, my lover is waiting may I go back?" Artemis asked. "Of course. Go a bit easy on him." The last time I summoned him he was a bit horny and took it out on his lover. "Sure." He rolled his eyes and was gone.

"I like that one." I not. "A obedience spell Dierre? Is that why you two are mates?" I asked. "No but his hate for you began when you were born apparently." Why did he take me in his house then? "More questions then answers but I need to go back to my book."  I said. "No you need to rest." I was shocked by her. "You were maybe the alpha once you are now the lowest member." Okay makes sense. "Fine but where, you all have access to my room and use it for sex." I went in it so seek for my old book but it reeked so much that I ran out of it. "The shed. I moved all of your belongings there." The old alpha who created this whole pack and build this whole house is forced to live in a shed? "Fine." She smiled and gave me the key. "Go settle in."

I grabbed the dairy and walked to the garden. "Mutt." "I heard he is the lowest member." Most of the pack members were idiots or at least arrogant. When I arrived I opened the door, went inside and locked it behind me. This way I was in peace. "I made it bigger to spend to full moon in peace." I coughed, it needed to be cleaned.

"12 werewolves created the boy." I read. "Everyone of them was a warlord, after the assassination of the Lycan I went from sane to insanity. The boy looked like him too much." I decided not to read further. "It wasn't the hate he had for me, but he missed his friend." It was time to uncover the true culprit. I felt that my eyes were heavy and I sat on cleaned bed. I layed down and fell asleep.

I walked to the house to grab some food or at least something to drink. "Alex here!" My dad said, in my opinion was it more like shouting. "Yes dad?" I asked, I wasn't thrilled to see him though. "Max was talking about taking you and Hadrian to a vampire prom." Fenris said. "No thanks." My hands were shaking and I wasn't calm. "It is going to happen." He said it with a stern look and I wasn't happy, remembering the last time I went to that kind of party. "Last time they tried to murder me. For blood." It did Fenris nothing and picked my clothes which took him the rest of the afternoon.

4 hours later.

That smile was so annoying when we arrived at the palace. "Lord Max, lord Alex and bloodslave." The fuck. "You mean lord Hadrian of the moon?" I was pissed off. "No lord of death he was and is a bloodslave." Great a idiot. "Holy mother of Jesus." I muttered and Max laughed. "Sorry bud. You can shift and let me do the talking." He tried to make it sound like a joke but I was really considering the offer. I shook my head because I wouldn't wait to eat them poor. "Hadrian shall we go?" I asked. His head was low like he was regretting something. "I am not ready for this step." Hadrian's eyes were closed. "Max reserve our table we will come soon." I tried not to think about this but something said Hadrian will not survive this night. "Hadrian what do you want?" It was like he wasn't hearing me. "Hadrian?" I asked again, something wasn't right. "Max come!" I shouted.

My heart was racing when I saw his eyes, blood red. I knew what I needed to do. "Blood red, the color of the dead, may the light of life restore this mind with magic of the soul." I steered my magic to my fingers and used soul magic, one of the 12 forbidden magic kinds. "Hadrian." His eyes were turned back to normal, but something else wasn't right. "Close call Alex. The president isn't pleased with you." Talk about creepy. The voice should belong in a horror movie. "Sacred light, I asked to guide these souls to the afterlife." Magic entwined with my soul and destroyed the vampire. "May your soul rest in peace." I made a gesture when I said that. "Hadrian stand up." Two other guests arrived outside. Werewolves of unknown origin. "We found him, ready to transport." Max ran to us when he got shot by one of the visitors. I acted quickly I teleported us back to home.

It took me a minute to understand where we were. Zeta. "Fool you shortened your life." Not quiet. "I summon you angel of revenge, angel of guidance and demon of lust." Artemis wasn't happy when he was summoned and again was naked. "Stop summoning me on clear daylight." "Not until we are out of here." I pointed at the 'guests.'

"Zetan soldiers." Artemis was furious. "So you know what we are." The left one said. "I recognise your aura." We weren't in Zeta. "I am." I shook my head again I was too tired. "Artemis trap them." I commanded and he did as was told.

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