Chapter 4

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The next morning when everyone was still asleep Alex walked down the stairs to the living room. "So it is real he world I have healed." He said and smiled. "Finally no more destroying lives of mortals. "Amaterasu. That is your wolf form." He heard in the room. "I thought everyone was asleep." He said. There was someone very familiar on the couch and watching TV. The golden eyes of the person was very feral, like it was a wolf. "Hati you have been able to return to human form that is good." Alex commented, but there was no reaction of Hati.

'One word is on my mind right now fuck.' He thought and saw Hati walking to the fridge. "Want something?" The question itself wasn't hard to answer but Alex knew that Hati was quiet familiar with him. "Nothing about yesterday that bothered you?" This made Hati shook his head. "Nothing at all. I knew you were him and I don't mind." 'Damn it' Alex thought. "Something else you want to know? Like how it is that I am alive? Or the fact that the world isn't ended." Alex thought about his past a lot. Ending the tyrant gods and stay hidden from them. After this world ended he saw the power of Lauren, the power of ending every life. The power of destruction. "One thing you need to lie now against the whole world who you are. Or just like us tell them you are named after the person." This made Alex laugh. "Yes my name stays Alex, okay?" He never thought that he wanted permission from his brother. "Sure do what you want and I am going to shift back, I like them thinking that I can't shift back to human." Alex rolled his eyes and went upstairs again.

A few hours later Alex packed his bags to go to his school, thinking about his encounter with Hati made him wonder if the rest were already awake. "Sköll's his eyes were always to sky every vacation, like he missed something." 'And I seemed so happy.' School was always a problem for him. It was loudy noisy and full of arrogant people, the human school at least. 'I just grab something to eat and I will be going I think. "Hati stop licking your dick on the couch." He heard someone shout and decided to walk downstairs.

The walk downstairs was very tiring for Alex because of his soul was designed to conduct and destroy the world. 'I am the only one in the family who is a reincarnation of deity and a deity on my own.'

Max walked to Alex when he was downstairs. "Brother?" He asked. Alex didn't reply instead watched the ground. "Don't. Touch me." He said. Max didn't know how to react to Alex's change of additude. 'Something bothers Alex.' He thought. Whe he wanted to ask about it, Alex walked away.

In his room Alex thought that he would be safe for interrogations. "Alexander!" Sköll was furious at him. "What!" He growled. "I never said that it..." Sköll was cut off by an eerie sound. "What was that? Alex!" Alex's ringtone played. "Sorry." His eyes once bright seemed lifeless now. "Alex, you need to rest. I see it in you." "Sköll you don't need to worry." Alex lied to him. It borthered him when he lied. After they were done talking Alex moved on and went to his graduation. That night he never got any sleep.

Fenris saw his son again the next morning. "Goodmorning." Alex seemed tired and had red around his eyes. "Alex tell me what bothers you." Fenris knew what was on his child's mind and asked anyway. "Dad. I feel like shit and maybe we should talk about it. Okay." He nodded. "Dad you remember that summer right." Alex said. 'Ah that summer when he went to a summercamp.' Fenris thought and nodded. "Well, I wasn't there, I was with a friend, Levi, my boyfriend." Alex cried softly almost whimpering. "I know he wasn't good or anything dad but I loved him." "Alex I need to know, why him not that brawny alpha werewolf you talked to." Alex blushed. 'That man was with his daughter and mate, which he called a breeding bitch.' "Dad he called his wife a breeding tool." Alex feared those kind of men. "Alex you want a guy who loves you back, not one that makes you unhappy." "Dad Levi was kind until, his father came in with a werewolf." He remembered, he was laying on Levi's chest when Levi's father came. Something in his boyfriend snapped and attacked the werewolf. Alex had stopped Levi but was injured by being stabbed in stomach and made him mortal. "Alex you are still immortal. Leo told me you save his mate's life. He is save so don't worry about them too much, or the necklace." Alex nodded and went to bed.

'Why couldn't I be a normal hellhound, I am loving the scent of unwashed, sweaty men, taken by them and even be totally obedient.' Alex saw his father coming to him. "Still being like this?" He asked. Alex sighed not wanting to answer. "Dad had you ever the feeling that something was off with? Kinks or something like that?" He asked. On that moment Alex felt urge to be submissive towards his own father. Despite his own horniness Alex focused on the conversation. "Do it Alex." He shook his head. "No dad I don't want to." He walked out of his own room.

Alex spoke out a silent spell when Lauren was sitting in the living room. He noticed after the words spoken, Alex laying unconscious on the floor. "Alex!" Lauren screamed. He grabbed the 'young' hellhound by the arms, trying to awake him. "He isn't sick, but weakened." "Desmond help the lord of time." Two wolves appeared in front of them, one female one male. "Sophia he doesn't need any help now he is waking up and are you trying to kill him? You know that if you overheal someone has the opposite effect." Lauren was flabbergasted by seeing the two familiars. "My son has two and I don't have one. Who knew." He said.

Alex woke up and saw the two fighting with each other. "Stop fighting in the living room." He shouted. Both Sophia and Desmond stopped. "Sorry." Desmond said. Alex didn't react.

Fenris was in the kitchen drinking some tea when heard the conversation between Alex and Lauren. Later Sophia walked in the kitchen. "So you are one of my son's familiars. What do you want?" He was a little bit pissed at her for interrupting. "Nothing co-lord of creation and father of all wolves." Fenris didn't react to this.

The familair walked away to the rest. "Familiars these days." He sighed. 'Fenris are you alright?' Asked his familiar. 'Yes Henry, I am alright. Are you?' 'Yes, but only lonely.' Like others familiars have mates as well because they are made from blood and soul of their masters. 'Don't worry he will come soon.' Fenris referred to Henry's mate. 'Thanks when can I meet those two and your son?' 'Tomorrow we give a graduation party for Alex.' Fenris said. 'I will come. So how are you going to introduce me, as your boss or alpha?' Henry snickered and Fenris groaned. 'Until tomorrow.' He cut off the mind link.

Alex walked into the kitchen. When he saw his fahter standing with a cup of tea. "Hey father." He said. Fenris didn't react. Alex walked towards him and he was startled by the presence of Alex. "Dad is something wrong?" He asked. "Nothing is wrong but someone is coming tomorrow." "Well goodnight dad." Alex said without trying to lie and walked out the room.

The walls surrounding him were once again to limit him from shifting. With a quick look to his left shoulder he saw someone holding his hand. Within a eyeblink she was gone. 'A ghost from Dalin, the gate must be opened again.' For some reason he just sighed instead of panicking like a normal person would do. Alex had learned it the hard way. "To see the undead is sometimes more a curse than a blessing." Around the corner was his little brother standing, Link.

"What was that!?" He asked Alex. "A ghost. A very old one." While trying to go away Alex knew Link wasn't going to let him go. "I know Alex! But why was it here! You need to destroy it or else it will destroy the city." He noticed Link's hatred for ghosts and him, but be couldn't care less. "She was the first Dalin sacrifice of the soothing ritual." He hoped that it would be enough to his little brother would stop murdering people in most gruesome ways. Especially women. "Really!? She just looked like the girl who I have been eating yesterday." Link's fangs showed up behind his laugh.

Alex closed his eyes and preformed the rite of passing in the wrong way causing two more spirits to appear. "What have you done!?" Alex didn't  hear him that well. His eyes were ice blue, the color of death. "Something terrible if you don't stop." Alex held the spirits at bay, but he could kill his brother with one flick of his finger. Alex eyes returned to normal when he decided that his little brother was enough scared and sended the ghosts away.

"Alex why did you do that?" Sköll asked him. "What brother?" Alex knew what, but couldn't help but wonder. "That little stunt a few minutes ago." He gave a sad smile to his brother. "It was to scare him or else he would kill more people." He explained. Sköll hesitated how to react. "I know yesterday he dislocated first the arms and legs, then he ripped them off so slowly that the girl screamed so loud that the police came and shot him in his leg with a tranquilizer. It would have helped if they had come sooner because that girl had died." Sköll hated to admit that Alex was right Link needed to be stopped. "You know Sköll that this was the limit. Yesterday was the final day of his regime." He didn't smiled at Sköll. In the look of Alex he knew, death was near. "Killing him?" He asked. "Sorry just got a vision of his next victim, unfortunately she is going to die." Alex replied with a sad face. "No lock him up or I don't know can we...stupid I need to go, he is already gone." Alex vanished internally in the house.

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