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Like any other day, today was a boring one for Liliya.

Her known expertise and learning has never been something she needed to do. It came naturally. Many times it had led her falling asleep during classes or skipping them as a whole.

Although one may assume that she was careless about her grades, it came to a surprise for her peers when they saw how analytically gifted she truly was.

Her rebellious behaviour makes it seem she is uneducated. Dumb. Stupid. All things she's heard whispered behind her back. But never has anyone told her that to her face. They wouldn't dare.

That in itself was asking to be hexed.

When she attends her lessons, she usually finds herself sitting in the back corner, playing with a strand of her hair or using her wand to float her quill, listening to her professor's attempt to teach her the things she already knows.

Though today, Liliya found herself wondering who the guests were that Snape mentioned. Perhaps it had been the most non-boring thing to come to this God-forsaken hell they call a school.

It was strange to have guests turn up during the middle of the school year. To Hogwarts of all places as well... She thought to herself.

Last time was a few years ago. Four to be exact.

And now, the light taps of her ankle boots clicked through the hallway until she was met with the rest of the student body at the grand doors.

No eyes were joined, her chin remained poised and her lips sealed.

Not even a consideration for where she'd sit at the row of Slytherin tables. Because the moment her legs curved over the benches, most diverted their eyes and scooted away.

She of all was the only one to make Slytherins squirm.

To her right, was the very last table where no pupils of her house sat. It was completely empty, guarded off with no plates or goblets, cushioned seats as though it had been the royal family that these guests were to be announced.

Liliya couldn't help but furrow her brows in confusion. And she semi-rolled her eyes at the thought of the privilege of those who seem to get superior treatment already although their faces remain unknown.

"May I gather all youths' attention please?" Dumbledore rose from his seat and towards the gold stand in the very center of the stage.

Silence rubbles and nothing but hushed whispers murmur in the open space.

The camouflaged stars above in the ceiling glimmer as though the night had been clear of all clouds.

"What's going on?" A student a few feet beside her whispers to their friend. Liliya finds herself inquisitively perking up. Her curiosity is all too infamous.

Although she couldn't see the two students converse, what information they had shared directly piqued her interest.

The other shrugged, "I'm not sure. I saw Hagrid waving a flag over a massive ship coming up from the lake though. Merpeople weren't too happy about their tides being messed with. They threw rocks at the bloody thing."

Her brows rose. A ship? Pirates maybe? Liliya's lips formed into a thin line as she found herself almost laughing at her own thoughts. Maybe it was a sea serpent?

Would those even exist with the merpeople guarding the waters here?

Or could these be the guests that Snape mentioned?

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now