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TW: Mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

"For Salazar's sake, Draco, stop flinching." Liliya orders, her impatience all too clear.

"I'm not flinching," Draco grounds back, his eyes tightened with what could be mistaken as either pain or anger. Perhaps both.

"You're a baby, y'know that?" Liliya laughs, causing his eyes to roll.

It had been almost thirty minutes since the physical brawl between Krum and Malfoy, there wasn't much damage, but Liliya found herself a little disheartened when she had to make a start on wiping off his blood.

She didn't understand why she liked seeing him so roughed up, but what she knew was that the way his skin bruised would ink her mind for a while.

"Ouch." Draco bluntly states.

"Oh shush."

Liliya dragged Draco back to her dormitory, while they received many questioning looks from passing students. No surprise, rumours would soon fly around the school. Another problem, for another day.

His nose was charmed back into place with a quick cereal breaking crunch. And no matter how much she disliked the boy, she could admit that a mutual attractiveness pirouetted in her chest seeing him roughed up.

"You still snogged me, don't deny it Liliya, if Krum hadn't attacked me then my hand would be right underneath your skirt at this second," Draco chuckled.

Liliya hates how there's truth to it. A part of her always wanted a piece, a taste of the darkness, she always craved the danger. And for a devilish man like himself, it was brutal honesty.

Draco saw the world as if it were an ocean, deep with secrets in the seabed where it homes innocents and prey. Its waves crash with urgence among a storm or in tickles of tropicana.

It was either or, not in between. There were no grey areas. You either could swim, or you drown.

"Maybe it would be something else, if there was time." Draco smirks.

His calloused, bloody hand found her inner thigh, caressing her soft skin. And if his thoughts were screams, Liliya would at one come to the idea that he wished it were his lips instead of fingers.

She knew that he was desperate, but never addicted. One was frowned upon and the other a mere necessity.

"Behave, Draco," Liliya warns as she slapped his hand away and denied the fluttering in her lower abdomen.

Draco grins. "I do love it when you get feisty, it's very entertaining."

Liliya continued to dab away the dried blood on his face, this time, he didn't flinch.

"I know, you said. Many times, actually," Liliya replied; the cloth that stained light pink was thrown away, replacing his bandages and ointment., "you have a tendency of expressing me as your weakness."

Draco frowns. "Addiction by definition is the fact or condition of dependency to a particular substance or activity. You, Liliya Jade, are far more and I'll keep telling you all the things I like about you to prove how much more you are than a simple urge."

Liliya couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "Please, you're beginning to sound like Theo."

He clearly didn't like that she mentioned another man. Let alone his closest friend. His eyes almost darkened with jealousy and yet his eyes still glimmered with humour as he snarled "Theo will flirt with anything that's got tits. I, however, only flirt with what I want, and what I know I'll get."

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now