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Guys. I'm sorry if this is shit. I only had 2 hours to write this. Spare me the mistakes. 


Time after time was wasted on good knowledgeable thinking when Liliya decided how she was going to break Draco Malfoy into tiny little diamond shards.

Hopefully, if she spent any longer he'd be more ash and dust than the small jaggedy ends any person would swoon over.

"Spare me?"

Liliya turns her head slightly, the breeze of the air wisping loose hairs from her low ponytail to mask her face. Theodore arches his brow with a pleasant smile carved into his lips, he points with his finger and says, "You look pretty today."

She didn't acknowledge the compliment, for the do, despite it being the uniform, was loosened for comfort, the tie didn't choke her and the shirts didn't thin her, whereas her hair was merely out of convenience, too lazy to brush.

"Just one, alright?" She sighs, giving him a cigarette she dug out from her pocket.

"Don't worry, next time I'll give you one of mine." He lights and blows his first stress in one deep groan.

They both smoke in silence. The lake ahead was smitten with ripples of waves.

Temperatures were sporadic, candid to what is reported in the Daily Prophet. First there was rain, then there was sleet, now the sun beamed as if it cried its anger out.

The smell of rain against grass was still pungent.

"You weren't in class this morning, we haven't scared you off already have we?" His question is breathy, still with intensity.

He fills his pocket with his wrist. Liliya's jaw rolled.

"No," She huffs. "Hermione told all the Gryffindorks that I had sex with Montgomery in order to pass the Herbology test yesterday and I knew that if I saw her face, I'd incite more than chaos."

Instantly, Theo snorts. "He's as stupid as a cockroach isn't he?"

"Mhm." Liliya takes a puff. "He's not my type either."

She could see the statement trigger his curiosity as his tongue bulges out his cheek. "What is your type?"

The thought triggers her mind of events that occurred in prior days.

Only a few passed since the breakdown between her and Draco back in her dorm. Not that she was hiding, more so deciphering. How to break the man first, crack him like a porcelain doll. But what that included was a lot of revision.

First she had to conduct his weaknesses, what they were and how he's react. She knew single-handedly that the threat of a male getting to her before he did was one of the biggest.

Worse if it were one of the three whom they shared with.

So when Liliya turns her neck, gives Theo a quick one up from head to toe, she forces a soft blush through. "I don't know," Liliya teases. "There are many qualities I like in a man."

"Tall, handsome, dark curly hair– does that sit anywhere on your list?"


Theo chuckles. "You are such a tease."

Once her cigarette reaches its end, it's thrown in a pit. When she returns to Theo, she takes one step too far, their chests almost collide and the musk of his scent penetrates her personal space.

Nothing smelt so masculine.

"What are you going to do about it, Theodore?"

He smiles. Iridescently, suggestively.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now