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TW: Sexual and mature themes. If you don't like degradation and voyeurism, then get out. This is a reverse harem and the sexual content will be- cough cough. Viewer discretion is advised.

Liliya's breath hitched, and if it was audible enough for all three men to perk their ears for, there'd be a combustion of grunts filling the room beside it.

A deep, dark hum vibrated against her neck, tickling the surface as his lips peppered devious little kisses.

"Tell him exactly how you want your pussy to be treated, little wolf," he sighed, pressing himself closer against her.

His cock was flaring, pulsing with need against her cheeks.

Liliya swallowed, leaning back into his chest, "Well he could show me the decent courtesy of at least looking me in the eyes."

Theo's stretched chuckle erupted and before she could even realise, his hot echoes of leather boots against the floor inched toward her until she was pinned between two men.

The curly haired male dusted his lips over hers, Draco, still breathing fire into her ear. She wondered if they could feel her heartbeat. But even if they could, would it matter?

It was all too electrifying for the whole lot.

"I'm here, princess, do you have something to tell me?" Theodore whispered as his fingers gently brushed over her jaw.

In all honesty, she wanted to spark something witty, something conniving, almost evil, but it was the moment she felt Theodore pressed against her clothed pussy that all worlds began melting in her throat.

Two, thick, incredibly large yet restrained cocks rubbed against her.

One in front, one on back, two beasts, imprisoned her entirely.

Liliya whimpered.

"Listen to her," Draco snarled. "All tough skin but inside she's nothing but a desperate little slut. Isn't that right?" He nodded sarcastically at her, eyes rounding.

He spoke to her as if she were a child, a degradation that tilted the world around her in sharp sways.

Theodore smirked back. "Although I'm not as impatient as Draco, still, I'm not a man who likes to be kept waiting."

Their eyes meet, pale hands squeeze her hips as a third keeps it locked on her jaw. It was a concoction of sensations she thought she'd never feel, all too gracious, she couldn't help but cave in.

One master she could ploy.

But all three?

Not a chance.

"I want you to fuck me." Liliya said. "Hard."

Theo grinned. Head tilting.

"I'm not quite convinced. Are you convinced, mate?" He tilts his head at Draco who remains silent.

However, Draco's actions spoke louder as his grip fell from her waist, he raised his hands to her shoulders instead. Until then, Liliya hadn't realised that his fists could've doubled in weight upon her foolishness when her knees were kissing the ground.

"On your knees, little wolf, chin up, pout that— yes, that's it, love. Just like that."

That's when she realised Draco's true intentions. He thrived from humiliation.

"Tell me again, princess." Theo demanded, despite the kind tone. "Beg for me."

Liliya swallowed, unkindly to her, the frozen iron ball in her throat never left. Her thick lashes lifted to a pair of beautiful burnt browns, glistened with something so thick that lust would be a word too tame.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now