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TW: Sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.

Liliya followed hot on Draco's heels, turning from corner to corner, into the webby caverns of the hallways. It wasn't until she reached the spiralling staircase that she realised he'd led her to the Astronomy Tower.

Though words were not spoken, the intention was obnoxiously obvious, causing her teeth to sink into her lip.

She picked up her dress as she tried not to rush up the stairs, though her desperation for him was like walking through quicksand. But confusion wounded her just as much when she reached the top floor to find it completely empty.

Something in her chest twisted her heart.

"Draco?" She called out, brows pinched. But her only response was the silence of the tower, her heavy, quiet breathing and the small howl of wind drifting into the tower.

Her dress felt sticky and suffocating. She was hot and now alone. She wanted out of this dress — wanted him to wear her by the bruises, the bites and provocative lust.

The precipice of her clammy skin only tightened as her hairs struck out.

Before she could turn, before she could even breath, a shadow casted behind her and melted her spine into something hard. Metal like and cold. Slithering around her body from her waist to her throat.

His clench pinched, and his hot breath seethed.

"You look so fucking good in that dress, little wolf," he said, groans melting into her ear like butter, "fuck— you make me want to rip it off."

Her breath got caught in her throat and a curled of butterflies accompanied her stomach. Then do it, she wanted to say. Tear me apart.

"All you had to do was ask, love." He chuckled, his chest growling.

Suddenly, his calloused hand spun her around, knocking out a breath from both. Her chest against his chest was warm, yet their hips were blazing.

Draco's tongue grazed over his teeth, the cunning smirk that had her squeezing her thighs together only curled it wider.

"Go on, little wolf," he whispered, his hips slowly rolling into hers, "show me how much you want me."

She felt him entirely. Hard and angry. Liliya's heartbeat pounded through her head and across her body, the ongoing glaze between them proving their drunk lust.

Liliya was under his spell, intoxicated in his dominance — she forgot who she was — and worse of all. . . she liked it.

Draco didn't push her down, he didn't do anything, not until she slowly descended to her knees and pressed an open palm over his slacks. Right on the spot that caused his head to drop back with a nipping sigh.

"Don't make pull you down on it, Liliya, because I'll be inclined to look at you when and — if I do — if I see you on your fucking knees, in that fucking dress, I'll have no option but to tear you apart and let the whole school know what a whore you really are."

Liliya licked her lips. Eyes falling onto his mount before unbuckling his belt with utmost speed.

She needed him, desperately, needed to taste him again, every inch of him. All down her throat.

When Liliya took him in her mouth, his grip on her hair tightened, pulling so hard she'd hissed.

"Oh darling—" Draco moaned, lifting his dress shirt which revealed the muscle on his lower abdomen toward his cock. "Take more. You can take more, I know you can."

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now