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Here. Have an early upload. Because this chapter is just 🌶.


The violent bass tickled the soles of her feet as she walked toward the table holding too many beer bottles. Her heels clicked nonchalantly, barely holding her weight up as she swayed from side to side, unintentionally dancing to the music.

Whoever picked this music, needs to be thrown in the bin.

Liliya hiccuped as she downed one after another, ignorant of her fellow peers who were lost into oblivion of high and slow themselves.

After the conversation with Blaise, the two left it silenced and spoke nothing of it the following day. It was as though nothing occurred between the two, not that much did, but she felt as if she got to know a lot more behind the boy who wore the naked mask.

From what she first discovered was that he kept to himself, dark and aggressive demeanour, yet on the innards he was enticing. Spicy.

It was all a façade and somewhat gaslit all thoughts inside her head. But after Slytherin won their game of Quidditch against Ravenclaw in early afternoon, it gave her an excuse to release some tension her own way.

Because at the end of the day, she didn't need them at all, there were many others she could choose from if she pleased.

Her little black dress kept, unintentionally, riding up her thighs as she lightly danced to the music. She was surrounded by drunks and dancing bodies but still felt as free and as wild as ever. The beer and many other alcoholic beverages inside of her made the world spin but she was nowhere near drunk.

Not yet, unlike her peers, she could handle a few drinks. But she was indeed tipsy. A little wilder than usual and her desire for trouble certainly grew by each boring minute that passed.

Her eyes scanned the room, searching for something to feel her desires.

Music was louder than a shrieking dragon, despite the outside of the common room being less silent than a falling feather as it kissed the ground upon touchdown.

"You're looking quite extravagant this evening, I must say." A warm breath tickled the side of her neck, causing her to shiver. "You're making my mouth water."

However, there was no excitement in her demeanour, it was a shiver of disgust, the stench of firewhisky pungent on his breath with tobacco so cheap that had even her nose scrunched up.

I at least have taste, no matter how desperate I am.

"How many girls have you said that to this evening, Krum?" She sighed, slugging her shoulders before giving him a frugal look.

Viktor shrugged, a playful smile woven into his peached cheeks. "Only you, actually." He takes another sip of — whatever.

Liliya arched her brow. "Careful, Granger might hear you."

"I couldn't care less what Granger thinks," Krum said back sharply. "You're the only one that's on my mind, y'know? Especially after what happened in the library, it proved to me how much I want you — how much I need you."

Liliya let out an amused chuckle, accentuated by the boost of alcohol in her bloodstream. This wasn't what she meant by fun but it certainly was keeping her entertained — even if she did want to strangle the boy to death.

"You're really embarrassing yourself."

Krum threw her a long look and snorted, as though he were shocked by her accusation. "Is that what you really think?" He speaks with an undermining tone. "I think your denial is quite embarrassing, funnily enough, I know you miss me— miss what we had all those years ago."

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now