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In the following morn, Pansy and Liliya woke of their own accord and nothing but the fairly whispered greetings were shared between the pair.

They dressed in silence, they brushed their hair and did their makeup in silence. Nothing but the mute hum of the atmosphere.

Otherwise, they left each other alone.

From what Liliya assumed, classes would be extended and charmed into bigger rooms to fit the extra students but it hadn't been something she'd be too worried about. As long as her seat in the far back corner was left untouched.

But that was one thing that worried her. What if there had been a student familiar as her that sought the same.

And she tried to get to class on time, for she had left her bed five minutes earlier than what she normally would but still managed to come just as Professor Snape was charming it closed.

"Surprise, surprise," Hermione sarcastically sighed, "late again, Jade? What was it this time, hangover or mental breakdown?"

Liliya continues to walk nonchalantly. Barely noticing the Durmstrang boy she hated so much sat right beside her.

"I was fucking your dad." Liliya scoffs.

"Thank you for that absolutely unnecessary comment, Miss Jade," Snape slowly abbreviates from the front of the classroom as he straightens his robes, "that's five points from Slytherin."

Hermione tries to replace her huff with a smirk. But the perturbedness of her soured face aged her. "Yeah, she's not changed," She addresses Krum a little too loud, "that's what privilege does to you."

Their eyes meet, and it takes Liliya all the will in her bones to not hex her.

The fluffy mained girl leans a little closer to her so that her voice is clearer, but it's an easy ploy to see her crack. "Maybe if she actually cared about her future she wouldn't look like she's just finished a night shift on the streets."

Breathe. Calm thoughts. Let's try not to set her on fire this time.

Yet the words she chants in her mind are far from working. The blaze inside her soul consumes her in an almighty stand as she marches herself across towards the far edge of the room.

However, stumbled, when she let herself in the dedicated seat which she even had scratched the name at the very front with her last broken quill, was the suitor she bumped into last night.

She blinks at him, he blinks back. Both saying nothing.

Nothing but a cold stare. Although his was — numbing.

He was brooding. A graze with a wave of cool as though he had been the bond of an iceberg. The very water that would kill you in the minutes you'd serve it.

"You're in my spot." Liliya leans her weight on one foot.

The guy beside her, his brown curled hair doesn't do justice to the brow he has arched — which paired itself with a coiling smirk. Seeming to be amused that they have occupied her table.

But the one in her seat blinks at her a second time before twisting his neck back to the front of the classroom. Ignoring her.

"Take your seat, Miss Jade. There is no time for camaraderie." Snape seethes.

His friends snicker beside him, more so the blond who although remains his focus on the chalkboard, fiddles with his quill at his swollen lips as to hide the devilish smirk he mirrored.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now