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Since the ordeal that Liliya stumbled upon between Draco and Krum, Liliya had dismissed their presence as much as she possibly could. Not that she wanted to, but an act of self righteousness came with a backing of determination that she had to follow along with.

If there was an opportunity that she could miss them all, she took it without question.

Not on the topic of Theo, however, his personality– to what she had noticed – was far more persistent. It was more Draco and Blaise that she tried to avoid, for walking around the premises without Theo noticing you was like asking pigs to fly.

Theodore was an underestimated character. Too charming, easily attainable. Quite the man of his word especially when girls tended to steal his attention. He was a sour gummy frog that sizzled against your tongue at touch point. Some parts were enjoyable, some were insufferable that left your mouth bleeding and begging for no more.

Her thoughts never left his presence as she skimmed through the forest of books at the library. All leathery binded and stenched of old parchment, she sighs before craning her neck upward.

"Extraordinary creatures..." She mumbles to herself over and over again and until she finds the binder, deep green and matted at the sides, her smile tightens at the edges of her mouth.

However, even on the tips of her toes she could not reach far enough. Fingers stretched and spine almost severing, a wolf-like groan rumbled from the depths of her throat.

Trying once more, she drops back down with a huff of defeat.

Come on. You can do this. Stop being stupid. Liliya scolds herself.

When she tries a third time, a rupturing cramp rips through her foot and it's as though she'd stepped onto hot coals barefoot. A prolonged hiss leaves through her clenched teeth.

A hand reaches over her small frame, causing her to turn, "Thank you—"

Instantly, when she notices him she jumps back against the shelves, forcing it to sway a little. But whoever went to cast the book for her, grabbed the wood to ensure it wouldn't tip and domino them one by one. That would be enough to add an extra six weeks of detention.

So she was somewhat glad that Draco held onto the shelf for her, but what she didn't outwardly like was how close they were.

Innardly, the fight to keep her breath steady was more of a war.

"Hello there, little wolf, nice to see you again." He smirks, studying her from collarbone to temple. "You almost tipped the library in half there."

Liliya looks as his bodice unfolds, leaning over her effortlessly. Of course he would find no harm in being so close. After all, it was him that fisted his cock to the thought of her, regardless if it was with malicious intention.

"Seems as though your tongue's been pulled, are you already nervous around me?" He coos.

"What do you want?"

Draco arches a brow. "Do I really need to explain myself again?"

Her nails grip into the shelf behind her as if to hold herself from latching them onto his throat. "The only thing that makes me nervous is how you believe your superiority gives you the right to mess around with me and get away with it."

"Oh darling, but you adore it when we mess around." The back of his fingers brush faintly over her cheek, "I can see you sweating, the nervousness of your heart— I hear it and that smell, so different but vivacious, so sweet and sultry that it tells me when you're aroused."

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now