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Theodore pulled on the stem of a cherry as he gripped the fruit's flesh between his pearly teeth, the endearing look he threw at a fellow Slytherin female had her and the rest of her friends swooning, whispering and giggling.

"Will you stop eye fucking every girl in this bloody school?" Draco scoffed, watching him in pure disgust.

His remark is ignored, perhaps conjured for him to expedite his motions as he threw the girl an arched brow and tight lipped smirk. "Nope."

"You literally fucked Liliya last night." Blaise shook his head.

Shrugging back, Theo ripped his eyes away and chucked the stem behind him. "I like to give them false hope."

"By the looks of it, so does Liliya," Draco muttered. The hint of anger in his tone was not hidden.

"She only said that to wind us up." Theo looked down at his glass of apple juice and let out an annoyed sigh.

Liliya's final words last night left them all restless. When she left them, the silence that fell over the room was dangerous. Murder could have been committed last night, perhaps too many.

And that fury they felt last night still lingered around them through to the morning.

"—and If she's had better then I'm curious to know who." Theo added.

"It's not Krum, five second wonders that bloke." Draco said, looking around. "And I don't see anyone who looks remotely good enough to get in her knickers."

"Speak of the Devil," Blaise spoke into his mug of tea before sipping it.

Both Blaise and Draco looked over to the entrance of the great hall instantly, and there she was; looking as magnificent as ever. Too proud of her own existence.

She waltzed in with all her evil beauty, give her a dark, spiked crown and she might reign chaos.

Eyes turned to her but not for long; they all hated her because they couldn't be her. But the devilish elegance she carried on her shoulders was the most alluring of everything.

The wolf's eyes stared into her dark soul, dangerously obsessed with the addicting darkness of her grace.

"She's not even looking our way," Theo huffed, grunting and took a much harsher bite of another cherry.

"It's a part of her game." Draco bit into a green apple, forcing his eyes away from her. "She knows we're looking at her."

"I'm going to go talk to her." Blaise went to stand but Draco stopped him.

"Don't." He told him seriously, yanking down his shoulder.

"Why not?" Theo asked but his voice was much more hushed as she walked past them.

She strolled down the long aisle, Draco only stared at Theo as she passed behind him but both Theo's and Blaise's eyes were on her as she walked behind Draco. Still she didn't even look at them.

Her dark sweet smell lingered. A mix of wild cherries and warm vanilla. The scent made it so much harder for the boys not to pounce, despite their hungry animalistic instinct kicking in place.

"Because she'll know we've fallen right into her game," Draco said.

Liliya sat a few spaces down. Students separated until she was harder to spot, but the fact that they knew she was there was enough for their hormones to go wild.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now