T W E N T Y - T W O

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Hello everyone, long time no see.

Kirsty and I have finally managed to find time to update. Now while we continue to make an effort to complete this story, please be aware that our memory of the story is very rusty.

We will take time to make a compelling plot for you that still remotely makes sense with what we've written before.

Love Cassie & Kirsty xo

Enjoy the smut.

TW: This chapter includes heavy smut. Like heavy. Voyeurism - the whole lot. Viewer discretion is heavily advised.

 "So, Theo and I fucked last night," Pansy said.

Liliya blinked rapidly from the book on her lap and raised a singular brow, "Congratulations?"

Pansy sighed. She was visibly irritated.

She stared at the sky, as though she were dazed. If she hadn't, she would've noticed the sudden tightening in Liliya's pursed lips. Please tell me he put it in the wrong hole... Or he farted... Or—

"—He moaned your name."


Liliya half smirked, half grimaced. "Congratulations."

"Shut up. It was bloody embarrassing y'know? Proper way to kill the mood."

Liliya only shrugged. How was this any of her fault?

"You don't seem fazed?" Pansy tilted her head and watched Liliya's movements carefully. "Given the fact that you guys... y'know..." she waved her finger around.

"We. . . what?" Liliya asked, shoving down the jealousy that was twisting in her chest. Clearly none of what they where doing meaner a thing if he was going around fucking other girls.

Even though there wasn't a specific label on what their cluster–fuck of their relationship was, Liliya couldn't help feeling a little primal. Territorial. Pansy was fully aware that behind the scenes it wasn't clear between them — that there was something more.

It had to be some awful attempt at getting Pucey's attention. There was no other reason why she'd do it. Especially with someone like Theo who'd never shown interest in her before.

Of course they weren't friends, only roommates but it didn't give her leeway to violate girl code.

"Y'know... Do stuff..." Pansy narrowed her eyes and leaned closer. "Do you really want me to say this out loud and in public?"

"What like you and Theo were basically fucking in the corridors?" Liliya could no longer hide the clear disgust in her tone.

Pansy dipped her chin, deviousness curling her mouth. "So you are mad."

A moment passed and Liliya clicked her tongue, "I have better things to do. Goodbye, Pansy."

"I didn't come here to rub it in your face," Pansy spat, standing to her feet. "I only did it to get back at Adrian. I want him, not Theo—Now shut up—You're my friend. Fucking Nott was a mistake I'll never do again. He admitted it himself."

Students ahead dipped their curious heads low the moment Liliya searched in their direction; in hopes that no one heard anything, the probability was minimal.

She could already sense the gossip spreading.

Liliya focused on her book once more, dismissing the betrayal she felt and tried to think about anything else. Anything but this. Even if it was a mistake, it still happened. Pansy made the choice to betray her, who is to say she won't do it again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now