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Liliya could burn the world by the clench of sight alone. Her pursed determinedly as she marched out of the library in hopes to find a Slytherin boy who could entertain her whilst embracing the wrath and jealousy of the others.

It was the only rational thing she could think of, especially against three alphas that had nothing but blood, sex and turmoil on their minds.

"Liliya!" A voice behind her caught her attention. Surprisingly, her shoulders softened when she noticed Pansy waving her down. Her pace slowed until they were idly walking side by side. "Anyone asked you to the ball yet?"

Liliya sighed, shrugging. "No one yet, but then again, do I really need a date for the ball?"

"True, I'm waiting for Pucey to ask me but it's this weekend and I can't afford hanging on, y'know? I've already had a few guys ask me but I'm not going to beat around the clock just for him." Pansy scoffed, brows furrowing inward.

Liliya found herself empathising with her fellow Slytherin roommate as she thinned her lips, the frustration on both ends brighter and clearer than any Lumos shining by the tip of a wand. "Men don't realise that playing hard to get won't work on girls like us."

"What do you mean?" Pansy questioned with a raised brow, a small grin on her lips.

Turning her head to the girl who was a few inches shorter, Liliya nudged her elbow. "How about you come with me? We can be each other's date?"

Glimmers of dust and gold sparked in Pansy's eyes when they rounded. Her thick lashes batted a few times whilst one over-ing what Liliya asked her, as though it were a dream almost. "You think that would work?"

Liliya shrugged, "I have a few revenges of my own to coincide, we can be devils advocates."

"You mean you and those three Durmstrang puppies, who are constantly on their knees for you, are having issues?" Pansy chimed, biting down on her lips like she was in for a good gossip.

Liliya's heart could've throttled itself out of her throat if she hadn't forced it down with a hard swallow. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Her chin lifted as she turned back to face the long hallway.

They walked slower, but the time felt as though it'd taken anaesthetics where the sun stopped wilting. Thankfully, no students were around. Only a few from first year but even then, they were too fearsome to listen to a conversation between a Parkinson and Jade.

"Oh please," Pansy accused. "You can't play clueless with me. I know there's something going on with you four! I see the way they are around you. Who's got the biggest dick then?"

Liliya's mouth parted as her eyes widened. She licked her lips at the thought. Technically, she'd only seen Theo's and Draco's, but felt Blaise and although she hadn't had the visuals she certainly felt him whole.

And to say he was small would be a fascist understatement.

"You fucking slag you actually know," Pansy snorted sarcastically, shaking her head. "I was only baiting you but wow, I'm actually quite proud. Good on you."

"You're a bitch." Liliya smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah well you're taking this bitch to the ball." Pansy winked. "I'm going for a long, black dress so thankfully whatever you wear will be complementary. Just don't wear pink— please."

"God no," Liliya rolled her tongue disgustedly.

They continued down the long, stone, wynds in echoes of laughter and gossip. The two girls who had once been rivals, now stalked the corridors like the bestest of friends.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now