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TW: Themes of sexual nature and violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

The ball wasn't what Liliya expected. It was far better, she realised, as her eyes twinkled gazing up at the glistening golden lights floating in the sky of the high ceiling. She walked with a stride, Pansy at her side, entering the grand hall. Eyes turned their way but they were all too afraid to linger.

Bright freckles of light swam like the stars at dusk. It was like watching a swarm of pearls float amongst its sea. Animals, glowing like patronus' ran beneath, varying from stags to unicorns, they wooshed the chandeliers in delicate tingles but it was never strong enough to overcrowd the music.

"This is certainly different than last time," Pansy snorted, looking more dazed than Liliya.

Liliya hummed. "Dumbledore is trying to show off to Igor I think."

Whispers among other things hushed, causing their ears to pry back. However, no matter what was said, the two refused to let it bother them.

"It appears we've caught a few eyes, Liliya Jade," Pansy said, her voice filled with muse.

Liliya searched around the hall, half listening, she hadn't seen the pair of eyes she'd been waiting for throughout the entirety of the day. She hadn't told them who she'd chosen to go with to the ball. It was supposed to be a surprise.

Perhaps a rude awakening. But for a group of men that seemed to find muse in dictating her life around, she thought playing the devil's advocate would prolong their impatience. So far, it worked tremendously.

So, it piqued her interest to see their reaction again.

"Is it the eyes we're trying to get though?" Liliya asked sarcastically.

Pansy shrugged.

"Who cares?" she said. "Let them find out on their own accord. I want to have fun whilst we're at it."

Liliya turned to face Pansy who began digging in the side of her dress. Her brow arched, but a smirk played when she pulled out two small bottles of Firewhisky and wriggled them from side to side.

"Oh you are speaking my language." Liliya laughed. She pulled Pansy over to the drinks who started to fill their cups.

Although it wasn't enough to get drunk off of, adding a quick punch with spirits would be a good start to wreck the boys' night. The sparkling wine they served could finish the rest.

After a few swigs, Liliya felt the alcohol relax her muscles, causing her shoulders to droop with an exasperated sigh. "That's some strong Firewhisky you've got there."

Pansy threw her a sly grin. "My father takes commission from a brewery in Ireland. They have their own farm and everything."

They both laughed, taking another sip. However, quickly, Pansy swallowed and nodded her head behind Liliya. "I spy with my little eye something beginning with 'Three' and ending with 'jealous men staring at you right now.'."


Theo, Blaise and Draco watched from afar. Sipping from their glasses of sparkling wine, Draco was the only one to down it in one sip until there was nothing left. It wasn't the real stuff which they all craved, sadly.

They watched with silence. And wild jealousy which, so far, they managed to keep at bay. To a certain extent, Draco— not so much. His silence was threatening.

"Has she lost her mind?" Theo mumbled in a low growl.

As people danced in front of them, giggling and laughing, unaware of the starving wolves standing beside them, Blaise arched a brow at the boy.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now