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This chapter is just shits and giggles. We went - the immature route. You'll soon see.


"You look like you've had a fun time," a snort erupted from the corner of the Slytherin common room.

Liliya winced as his alluring tone feathered goosebumps across her skin and she froze in her step. She'd worn Draco's suit jacket over whatever dress she had left and sprinted away from the Astronomy Tower so no eyes would pry on the business they endured that night.

After three rounds of heavenly, reckless fucking, the attempt to make the trip short became an illusive wish. Well, Liliya assumed three, technically, the devil knew how many rounds, and even then, that image made him squirm.

Theodore snorted as they shared a distanced stare. "I'm guessing Malfoy is the reason behind that?" He nodded at her torn dress, with a flared nose, and took a heavy swing of the bottle he seemed to be drowning in.

Liliya blinked back rapidly, her brows pinching. "Are you jealous or something?"

He shrugged.

"It looks fucking ugly on you," Liliya said bluntly before walking toward the staircase leading to her dorm.

Theo's fists clenched, his veins mountainous and alarming. "I'm not jealous, love," he said and licked his lips, "just want to make sure all the boys have a go."

Liliya scoffed. "You talk about me like I'm some toy."

His brow arched, lips twitching into a smirk.

"Are you not?"

Horror and embarrassment fled her cheeks pink as she swallowed the hurls of curses and insults readying the tip of her tongue. Why had he started to behave in such a way? After all, he was the first one to have sex with her, Draco only kissed her first.

And Blaise? Poor Blaise only got to watch, despite his enjoyment in doing so.

"You're drunk, Theo," she began walking again but she heard the sofa creak and then a hand grabbed her arm, spinning her around.

"Call me a drunk fool then for wishing it was me who fucked you last night," he spat, his hair a dishevelled mess and his forehead a little sweaty.

Liliya looked up at him with wide eyes but she couldn't help but feel lustful as he towered her. And she especially couldn't help her eyes lowering to his unbuttoned shirt, revealing his tanned, muscular chest.

She said, "You sure are acting like you wanted me rather than the other way around."

Her attempt to remain focused was feverish. Despite Theodore being the first to have sex with her, she hadn't seen the entirety of his bodice. So, it was completely natural for her to miss the large scarred gash that bumped from the tip of his collarbone all the way down his chest, deeper and deeper into his shirt.

His head tilted. "Don't act like you don't love it when I fuck you."

"Who said I didn't?" Her tone became suggestive. Sultry, thickly sweet like molasses.

She didn't know why she was flirting with him, especially when he was drunk. There wasn't a chance she could last another round, not that she wanted to in the first place, not in the state that he was in. But surely it couldn't be so harmless for friendly flirting?

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now