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Guys. I'm really sorry about the huge delay in writing. But I've been so ill this past week that I could barely look at my computer without wanting to cry.
This chapter is short.

Liliya always felt powerful after leaving the boys speechless. Every single time.

There was something about overpowering them when they were so dominant and recklessly dangerous. It was like a high that one would feel after accomplishing something detailed as impossible. Adrenaline purifying.

And Liliya wasn't blind, she noticed the way the other Durmstrang boys cowered by her presence — but them. They challenged her, they approached her and no matter how many times they'd ping back and forth, they would continue to pursue.

At this rate, she'd consider them falling head over heels, it wouldn't come as a surprise.

No matter the circumstances, Liliya rested without interruption that night. Even with the faintest smile on her face. It felt almost — silly.

But — who cares?


The next bright morning Liliya found herself wandering the halls after breakfast. Uniform lazily slapped on and a half yawn each turn she'd make throughout the corridors.

Pure boredom lulled her mind, no fancy in forcing through an hour of her professor blubbering nonsense she already knew.

The hallways were isolated. Prefect priorities came in a great excuse when she needed time away, only the hope that she wouldn't see the wrath of Snape again was at the cost. More detentions were not the thing she needed. Not right now, anyway.

Rain hit the windows in a thunderous tap but it only added to the serenity. Her boots tickled the cobblestone floor, echoing in the shadows after her steps.

She knew anyone who'd pass her wouldn't look twice her direction, well, unless it was them.

Thoughts trailed from them to her home, her parents and how they lived their life without her. She hoped nana Jade took her daily potions and grandpa Jade created his third spell.

Stunners weren't his forté, more so anything for sheer convenience, his most famous being the water cleansing charm. And she was proud of him.

Any scoop of mucky water could be cleaned into drinking. The Jade family was full of surprises.

Liliya found herself outside of the library, peering curious eyes through the stained glass windows until they latched onto a certain wizard goggling a chess board in front of him.

She couldn't help but want a closer look. So when she entered the library, she creeped to the tables on the tips of her toes, shuffling past the tall, long shelves.

He always looked so handsome playing chess.m, with the way his nose scrunched regardless if frustrated or filled with glee.

There was something about the way he put so much thought into the game. It reminded her of how a king would look at his kingdom. Waiting. Watching. Carefully deciding his next move, crafting a plan for offence and defence.

It was all strategy.

Blaise's eyes narrowed down as he leant back in the wooden chair. His chin sharpened, every muscle in his face clenched. Peeking her eyes down the shelf, she noticed his arms, the muscles tight against his white button up shirt and the sleeves were rolled up, revealing the veiny art decoding his skin.

And as if their eyes were magnets his eyes soon met hers. It was instant. So instant that Liliya parted her lips in a small gasp.

"Aren't you supposed to be in History of Magic?" was all he said.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now