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Seeing Draco was the last thing Liliya wanted to do today.

If she could rip her eyes out, she'd consider, but then again, seeing Hermione trip over her own foot in the hallway had certainly made her reconsider.

After last night, what he did and what she felt — it felt like he had cursed her. She was bewitched. Cast under a spell that had been all forbidden.

How could she feel such things for a guy like him? She had only known him for a little over a week and he had already made her feel a mixture of emotions. Hatred. Desire. Anger. Lust.

They battled in her head and chest, fighting for what was right and wrong.

Might as well drown and become a merperson so no one would know where I drifted to at this point. She scoffs at herself.

She walked to breakfast early today, only because she hadn't slept all night. The sun was barely peaking its nose out, fresh orange and pink tinges contaminated the sky.

This morning she wanted to avoid Draco at all costs. She felt almost embarrassed to see him. Especially after what she saw him doing with his—

Shut up.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, frustrated as to how easily she could replay the scene in her mind. And the smirk he threw at her right before exiting with his final clause, it had her palms twitching to slap him.

Liliya walked past the great hall, as quickly as she could, for that was not where she was really heading.

How could she eat with such images in her head?

She wanted— no, needed a cigarette.

A whole pack if Draco and his posse continued the way they were.

Even Blaise had issues of his own. Yet privately they were expressed.

He was a withdrawn tortoise. Cute but incredibly shy.

When she passed students, their chins remained ground focused. To their luck, she ignored her nitpicking and darted straight through the main doors.

Stealing points from other houses wasn't on her occupation today. Draco, somehow forced his way in.

Get out. She told him by the power of the mind. Only if it worked, would it be a miracle.

The distance between her and the courtyard shredder as she picked up her pace. And she knew it herself as an internal flaw. Impatience and gratitude.

Finally, Liliya made it outside and wandered to the corner where she knew no one would see her. Her back collided with the stone wall and she placed the cigarette between her lips and lit the end.

Smoke expanded her lungs as the stresses calmed her. She breathed in the substance and inhaled. Her head fell back as she released the nicotine into the atmosphere.

She felt a little more relaxed again.

Something in the back of her head told her she wouldn't feel so relaxed for long. So, she enjoyed the rest of her cigarette and early morning rush before heading to class.

The first few lessons flew by as a blur. Like the flicker of a flame or the batting of a bee's wings.

Lunchtime was mundane. Not that she spent her time there throughout its entirety in the first place. Thankfully, Draco, Blaise and Theo were nowhere to be seen so at least she could enjoy her food in peace.

To an extent.

When lunch came to an end and Liliya marched to her next lesson, an unexpected guest bumped her shoulder before a fruitful smile twitched the edge of his lips.

RIVALRY | Co authored with KirstenennWhere stories live. Discover now