Chapter One

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Eren is 20 / Levi is 38.
This is about their age difference in the anime so I don't want to hear any complaints. Plus the title is literally "Sugar Daddy" ☺️
** TW ! Attempt at rape !!?

"Bye Mama.." I said, planting a soft kiss on my mothers forehead.

My mother is extremely sick right now. Of course, we don't have the money to see a doctor and help her, potentially saving her life.

I work at a coffee shop about ten miles away in the wealthy parts of Germany. I make good tips, but it is minimum wage and I don't get paid that much from my boss. He's a real priss too. He yells at all his employees for no reason at all.

Not to mention, he's a total creep. He may not know it, but I can see him staring at me all the time. He's about forty years old but always keeps an eye on my ass.

Anyways, I stick with this job because it's the only one I could get and I need the money for my mother.

I walked out the door after a quick glance back at my mother. She was still resting, thankfully. She's been getting little to no hours of sleep and it made me happy when she got some.

Armin was already waiting for me outside of my apartment complex in his car. He was truly one of the best friends I could ask for. He never judged me on how poor I was and even offered me money every once in a while, but I decline. It just doesn't feel right to take money from your best friend.

"Hey Eren!" He smiled.

"Hey Armin.." I sighed as I climbed into his BMW X1. Armin wasn't the richest, but he and his family had pretty decent money.

"What's wrong, Eren?" He asked with concern in his tone. His smile faded and was more of a frown.

"Just my mom. She's not doing too well.. l I just hate that..-" My voice cracked as I was about to cry thinking of what could happen if I couldn't scrape up the money to help her.

"It's okay Eren, taking your time.." Armin soothed.

"I just hate that she could die and it'd be my fault..!" I shed a tear.

"Eren are you kidding? You've been working your ass off to get the money. There is nobody to blame except your shit father." Armin demanded


"Eren I know you don't like me bringing up your dad but you have to understand that this is all his fault! It is his job to provide for his family and he's failing miserably. He's out there somewhere smoking God knows what rather than taking care of his own wife and son, Eren!"

Armin started driving. As neither one of us knew what to say after that, we just drove the rest of the way in silence.

When we arrived at the coffee shop, named the Coffee Mill Diner, we were the first ones there. It was only 5:27am and we didn't open until 6:00.

Armin started turning everything on and warming up some coffee. After that, I made us both coffees while he cleaned off tables and the floor.

"Thanks Eren," he said as we sat down at a booth.

"No problem, Armin." I smiled. Mikasa arrived and sat down at the table. She would take sips of my coffee every now and then. We chatted a little bit while drinking out coffees before it was time to get behind the counter and work.

Connie, Sasha, Ymir, and Historia arrived right on time. They got to work as well, Armin and Connie preparing drinks, me taking orders, Ymir and Historia washing dishes, and Mikasa calling orders and putting them in trays and sleeves. Sasha worked with the food, always taking some for herself as well. Marco also arrived a little late, but headed straight to the drive through window.

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