Chapter Thirteen

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"So? What'd you think?" Levi asked as they exited the building. It was now two o'clock and Levi decided the two of them could leave. The whole dealership closed at seven, but he didn't need to be there.

"I love it!" Eren beamed and skipped down to the car, pulling Levi with him. "Petra is super nice and the others are very funny. Although Oluo is a bit weird- Don't tell him I said that!"

"I won't." Levi chuckled and opened the door for Eren. When Eren got in, Levi buckled him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hm.. aren't you the gentleman?" Eren teased and Levi shut the door, rounding the car to his side.

"I am." Levi said and shut the car door behind him. "Your house? Or where do you want to go?"

"Hm.. I haven't seen my mom in a few days." Eren murmured. "Could we maybe go see her?"

(I am so sorry to change whatever I previously said, which I think was HIV or AIDS. Carla has breast cancer, not HIV.)

Levi nodded and turned from Eren, sticking the key in the ignition. He turned around to get a good view, putting his hand on the back of Erens chair. He backed out of their reserved parking spot and got onto the street.

"I was also wondering if we could run by the mall on the way back from the hospital." Eren stated and shifted in his seat to face Levi. "I brought my wallet."

"Yeah, that's fine." Levi agreed. He wasn't going to let Eren pay regardless of him bringing his wallet or not. He didn't have much money as it is and Levi had too much.

"Thank you!" Eren grinned. "So what do you think about telling my mom?"

"Telling her what?"

"About us." Eren replied and watched Levi's play of emotion. From the side of his face Eren could see him bite his lip and look down for a second before looking at Eren.

"Yeah that's fine." Levi said and looked back to the road.

In about fifteen minutes, they arrived at the hospital and checked in.

"Hi mama, how you doin?" Eren asked when he opened the door shutting it behind him. Levi had to use the restroom so he wasn't with him.

"Hi baby.. I'm doing alright.." Carla whispered. Her voice was croaky and dry.

"Oh mama, you don't sound alright.." Eren frowned and walked over to the water jug. "Hey, you remember Levi, right?"

"Of course.." she responded and took the glass of water Eren handed to her.

"Well we're kind of.. together." Eren said and sat down in the chair near her bed.

"So he's here today?"

"I mean yeah but how'd you know?" Eren quietly giggled.

"You said you were together, meaning if you're here, he must be here otherwise you're apart." Carla said confused.

"Mama not like that.. I mean we're dating." Eren laughed and looked at his mother. Her face went to confused, shocked, happy, then concern.

"Isn't he only a few year younger than me, Eren?" Carla frowned. "What if-"

"Mama. Yes, he is. But that didn't necessarily change anything. If we're happy, we're happy."

"I suppose you're right. If this is what you want, who am I to stop you?" Carla weakly smiled. She started her chemotherapy over the weekend and by now, she barley has any hair left.

"So he is here, correct?"

"Yeah, he had to run to the restroom, I'm not sure what taking him so long though."

After five more minutes of waiting Eren was getting impatient. "I'll go find him, be right back mama."

Eren stepped out of the room and walked down the long hallway before turning left to a new one.

When he turned he saw Levi walking down the hallway too. Eren laughed to himself thinking Levi got lost.

"Eren?" Levi called from the other side of the hallway.


The two met in the middle of the hallway when Eren spotted a scratch on Levi's neck, blood getting on his collar.

"Levi what happened?" Eren asked and rubbed a finger along the side of it. "Are you okay?"

"What- oh. Yeah I'm fine." Levi responded and pulled Erens hand away, kissing the back of it. "You should see the other guy."

"Yeah I-  you're not joking, are you?" Eren said and starred at Levi. He shook his head and Eren face palmed. "In a hospital?"

"Yeah, my bad." Levi smirked and started walking. "You're old friend wasn't too pleased with me."

"Oh my gosh. Dylan?" Eren asked and looped his arm around Levi's, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"I think so." Levi said. "I didn't really pay attention to his name."

Eren groaned and looked behind him in case Dylan was there. He wasn't though.

"So what happened exactly?" Eren said as they approached the door.

"We'll I went to the bathroom as I said, but then he came out of a stall and punched me, wasn't a very good punch, might I add." Levi smirked and leaned his back against the door. "Then I beat him up."

Eren let out a soft laugh and leaned in to delicately kiss Levi's lips. "Is he alright though?" Eren asked when he pulled away.

"I think so." Levi responded and kissed Eren again. It only lasted for a few seconds when Eren pulled away.

"I already told my mom, by the way." Eren said with a small smile. He opened the door when Levi shifted his body weight back to his feet.

For the next hour, Carla asked the pair questions, getting to know Levi and asking them about their relationship.

She approved of Levi and really took a liking to him. She thought he was perfect for Eren, despite their age gap. If the two of them really cared for each other, she wouldn't intervene.

When they left, Eren picked out a few outfits from the mall in which Levi refused to let Eren pay for. Although it look a hot second, Eren complied.

They went in a few of the malls stores getting clothes, shoes, and eventually take out from Pommes Freuned.

:this was rushed but I hope you enjoyed.

I have an announcement that may bum some of you.
I'm done with this story. I don't like it anymore and I just can't do it. I hate writing this and I've lost all motivation. Continued below..


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