Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Eren, I just don't understand why you're arguing with me." Levi said as the two walked downstairs. "You asked for my opinion so that's what I gave you."

"Cause your opinion is wrong.." Eren murmured, glaring at the taller man.

Levi slightly chuckled and walked into the kitchen where everyone was already awake, eating breakfast.

"Bet you two slept well." Petra grumbled, rubbing her eyes. The rest of the group agreed and the couple earned a few glares.


"While you two were playing mommy and daddy, the rest of us were trying to get some sleep but couldn't because someone was banging Eren into the wall." Hange yawned and leaned against the counter, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, tell me about it. He's so loud." Levi nodded, grabbing the milk from the fridge. "I thought there was an earthquake or something."

Erens mouth dropped open at Levi's comment. He looked around, red faced, and smacked Levi on the back of the head. His mouth was still open when he walked away.

Levi, along with the others, laughed and continued eating their breakfast.

"Baby, why didn't you eat breakfast?" Levi asked, walking into their bedroom.

Eren didn't answer and turned away instead. Levi sat next to him and kissed his shoulder.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Levi frowned and lightly grabbed Eren's chin. "Was it me?"

Eren nodded and shook his chin free of Levi's grasp.

"You have to tell me what I did wrong, otherwise I can't fix it." Levi pulled Eren into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist. "Please.."

"Nothing." Eren mumbled. He wouldn't admit it because Levi would say it was just a joke and that he's too spoiled to take one, but Levi really embarrassed him earlier. Usually Levi wouldn't say anything, only laugh. This time, though, Levi even singled him out. "Leave me alone, Levi."

There was a moment of silence until Eren scrambled out of Levi's lap.

"Just know, I'm not having sex with you for the rest of our stay here." Eren huffed before walking out.

Levi knew Eren wouldn't be able to resist when the time came, so he didn't care too much about that. He did care that Eren said that though. He knew it meant Eren was very mad at him for something.

"Eren." Levi sternly said from the hallway. Eren ran down the stairs, flipping him off.

Before Eren could make it to the crowd of people downstairs, Levi grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the office.

"What is wrong with you?" He said, pinning his boyfriend against the desk.

"You, Levi!" Eren shouted. "I get that you're funny and all, but that wasn't. You embarrassed me in front of everyone!"

"It's a fucking joke, Eren." Levi sighed. "I don't get the big act of ignoring me for it."

"Okay, well some jokes aren't meant to be told."

"Or, you just need to grow up and learn how to take one." Levi growled and Eren could physically feel himself warm up.

"Grow up? Grow up?" Eren repeated sarcastically. "If you want someone your age, maybe you shouldn't be fucking around with me, Levi!"

"That's not what I meant Eren and you know it."

"No- no I think it is. Go fuck Petra or someone for a change unless you already have." Eren barked, escalating things even further .

"What?" Levi asked in disbelief. "Are you seriously accusing me of cheating on you right now? Do you see her walking around with brand new clothes every week and a new iPhone every time it gets a fucking scratch? No, didn't think so."

"Levi, literally go away." Eren shouted, throwing his hands in the air. "This is why I walked away."

For an hour, the two could be heard from the living room, shouting and slamming doors. If the people in the living room didn't know their friends better, they would have thought things were getting physical.

The fight would have lasted longer until Eren noticed a tear drop fall from Levi's eye. Then the only thing that could be heard was strained yelling coming from Levi and no longer Eren. Eren heard it now- the pain in Levi's voice.

He'd never seen his boyfriend cry before, he didn't know he did cry.

"Levi.." Eren whispered. Levi had stopped yelling by now. He was just crying into his hands, bloody from punching a hole in the wall instead of Eren. He was usually able to control his anger issues around Eren but sometimes he felt the need to get physical. He and everyone else knew he would never hit Eren though and found something else.

The fight started as a small argument but slowly escalated into so much more.

Eren ran over to him and embraced him in a tight hug. Levi tucked his head into Eren's chest and cried harder. He kept his hands up behind Eren's back, careful not to get blood on him.

"Levi.. hey, it's okay.. it's okay.." Eren cooed. He rubbed Levi's back and kissed his head. "Babe.."

"I-I'm sorry.." Levi whined into Erens chest. For someone Eren has never seen cry, he was crying a lot.

"Levi, Levi.. it's okay.. you're right, I overreacted." Eren kissed his head multiple times and combed his fingers through Levi's hair. "I shouldn't have said the things I said.."

Even after fifteen minutes, the two were still in the same position and Levi was still crying.

It was hard to be like him. He never cried or showed he cared too much so now that he was crying, he was most likely letting everything out.

"I love you..." he sobbed and Eren couldn't help but giggled a little.

"Levi.." Eren chuckled. "Oh my goodness."

When the two walked downstairs together, everyone clapped. They couldn't even watch a movie because the two were fighting so loud. Luckily, they didn't hear Eren accuse Levi of cheating on him with Petra, because that would have been awkward.

It was already awkward sitting there, listening to them fight. Nobody knew what to do and it took three people holding onto Mikasa to keep her from running up there.

"Damn, Levi. Who hit you with a bus?" Oluo laughed, going immediately silent after Levi glared at him.

Levi had a very, very attractive face, but when he wanted to, he could make some pretty scary ones.

Eren frowned. Levi never cried in front of him before and this is probably why. He looked like a train wreck right now and probably didn't want to come off as weak; therefore, he never cries. It was embarrassing for him.

"Shut up, Oluo." Eren tightened his arm around Levi's side. "He looks cute."

Levi sent Eren a disgusted face and sat down on the couch, followed by Eren.

"So.. you guys are good now?" Petra asked slowly. When the two nodded, she smiled. "Great! Levi, we need you to get the boat ready while we pack lunch and everything."

Sorry if this is bad and too dramatic but I looveeee some good drama.

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