Chapter thirty-eight

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"I just don't know." Eren sighed laying his face in his hands. He took a sip of coffee from the cup on the table. "Last night he slept on the couch because we had a little argument but this isn't the first time. We fight almost every month I feel like. Maybe we aren't the right people for each other."

"It is normal for couple to fight, but Eren, I say this as your friend, but by the sound of this, you're majority of the problem." Ymir sighed, placing her hand on the table. "You're constantly yelling at him for no reason and making yourself out to be a —sorry— a bitch."

Eren frowned and laid his head down on the table.

"Ymir is only saying this because she cares about you, Eren." Historia smiled. "If you don't hear what needs to be said, your relationship will fail and you'll be unhappy. Neither Ymir or I want that for you."

"I know..." Eren picked his head up. "I guess I should go apologize, huh?"

"We'll see you later, Eren." Ymir nodded.

Eren rose from the booth and made his way out of the café. He heard Historia yell 'good luck' right as he stepped outside. He was going to need it.

"Levi?" Eren called as he stepped through the front door. "Can we talk?"

Levi stepped through the wide arch that acted as a walk way to the kitchen from the living room. He was shirtless and sweaty, sweatpants low enough to see his V-line.

"I don't want to argue right now, Eren." Levi shook his head and disappeared behind the wall. "I'm really hung over right now."

Eren wanted to yell but refrained, picking up what Ymir put down.

"I don't want to argue, I just want to talk." He walked into the kitchen and stood in front of Levi. "I swear to you— swear on my life— that I didn't cheat on you last night. Did you see his shrimp dick?" Eren laughed at the last part, hoping Levi would too. He didn't.

"Every time you try to apologize, you say the same thing." Levi shook his head. "Do you have anything else to talk about than you not settling for a dick smaller than eight inches?"

Eren frowned. "Because I'm not good at this Levi— I'm not good at anything and you're a constant reminder of that! I mean Jean barely even talks to me when you're around and he was my friend first! I'm just like a shadow when I'm with you."

"Don't raise your voice, you're hurting my head."

"Look, I came here to apologize and clear things up, okay?" Eren shook his head. "If you don't want to talk, I'll leave."

Levi groaned as Eren started to walk away. "Eren, don't leave." The brunette turned around watching as Levi walked back up to him. "Do you promise you weren't doing anything in bed?"

"I swear to you." Eren nodded. Levi sighed and placed a small kiss on Eren's lips.

"Do not do that again. If you have a problem, discuss it and maybe I'll agree." Levi earned a nod from Eren and another kiss. "Especially in my bed."

"I won't." He assured to him and grabbed his hand. Levi nodded and patted Eren on the back.

"I was about to go to the store before you got here, I still have to go." Levi said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Like that?" Eren asked talking about Levi's outfit.

"No." Levi shook his head. "I was working out."

"Oh, okay." Eren nodded walking to the bedroom, Levi following behind.

Eren laid down on the bed while Levi searched his closet for a shirt.

"I think I'm going to fire that Dan guy." He said while pulling on a white shirt. "He knew you were with me."

"So did Jackie." Eren raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms. Levi smirked.


"You look good for just going to the store..." Eren said suspiciously.

"Eren, I'm wearing sweatpants and a shirt." Levi pressed his lips together and lifted his leg showing Eren his foot. "And my feet are out right now."

Eren rolled his eyes, watching as Levi grabbed a pair of white socks. "Oh you're putting socks on, now you're really trying."

"Mm." Levi nodded, tying his shoelaces. "I'll be back in an hour or two."

"M'kay." Eren said pulling out his phone. "Bye."

Levi walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Eren opened his messages app and clicked Hanges name.


When Levi walked through the door an hour and a half later, he called for Eren only to get no response.

He walked into the kitchen to put the stuff he got away when he heard something coming from the bedroom.

Walking closer to the door, he couldn't believe his ears. It was a sound he knew all too well: Eren moaning.

He ought to drop dead after swearing he'd never cheat on Levi. Again, in his bedroom.

He swung the door open in a fit of rage. Eren jumped and covered himself with a blanket. Levi saw there was nobody else in the bed and relaxed his tensed up muscles. He understood when he saw the AirPods in Eren's ear.

"I thought you weren't going to be home for another half hour!" Eren blushed and pulled out his air pods. "Stop looking at me!"

Levi chuckled to himself and walked over to the bed. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Eren." Levi shrugged and stood next to the bed. He tried to reach for Eren's phone but the brunette yanked it away.

"No!" He shook his head, hiding the phone.

"Come on, I gotta know what gets you going." Levi insisted, snatching the phone from Eren. Eren buried his face in a pillow out of embarrassment. "Oh." Levi said surprised. "Me." He handed the phone back to Eren and raised a brow. "Why my conference video?"

"Well Hange sent it to me and I don't know."

"Of all things?"

"I mean yeah..." Eren nodded. "Something about you being a business man- this is embarrassing, I don't want to talk about it!"

Levi climbed into the bed and kissed Eren. "Okay."

Eren snuggled into Levi's side, happy to have worked things out again. Levi would always forgive him.

"You were insanely drunk last night." Eren looked up at Levi who nodded.

"Yeah I can feel it." He said talking about his headache. Eren laughed.

"I don't think I've ever seen you drunk before." He put a hand up Levi's shirt and traced random shapes. "You're pretty fun."

" 'Cause I'm so boring sober?" Levi looked down at the younger boy and tilted his head.

"Pretty much." Eren joked now tracing the lines of Levi's abs.

"Hm." Levi sat back against the headboard and laid his arm across Eren's shoulder. "Really?"

"No, you're great, Levi." Eren smiled and kissed Levi's cheek. He closed his eyes. "I'm tired."

"It's 1:00PM, Eren." Levi pressed his lips together and stroked Eren's leg.

"I didn't sleep until late and woke up early." Eren yawned, cuddling deeper into Levi. "I'm going to take a nap."

Eren fell asleep and Levi just lied there thinking about the time he's time been with Eren. If you had told him a year or two ago that he would be in a committed relationship with someone younger than him by eighteen years, he would have laughed in your face. Now, he couldn't imagine a better person to be with.

Have a good day baba babies 😘

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