Chapter Twenty-Two

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"So where are we going?" Eren asked looking over at his boyfriend. It was five in the morning and Levi woke him up to go on an 'adventure'.

"I told you, it's a surprise." Levi smirked, his eyes not straying from the road. Eren looked out of the window of Levi's sports car, watching the road disappear behind them. He looked back to Levi and grinned.

"I thought I told you I don't like surprises?" Levi rolled his eyes, still wearing the same smirk.

"Do you want to drive?" He asked and pulled over to the side of the road. Eren looked at him with a raised brow, confused as to why Levi would ask him that.

"I don't have my license, remember?" Eren chuckled. He scratched the back of Levi's head and wiggled his . "Plus, this car is worth more than like, I don't know, my whole existence."

"Then I'll buy a new one. Come on, I'll teach you." Levi insisted and opened the driver side door. Eren grinned as he got out of the car, circling around to the drivers side. He got in, sitting on Levi's lap and closed the door.

"Alright so put it in drive." Levi pointed to the knob and Eren grabbed it, pushing it forwards. "Good, now grab the wheel and press the gas."

The younger male pressed his foot a little too hard making the car jolt forwards. Levi just laughed and put his hands on top of Erens to help him steer.

"Press your foot down lighter." He rested his chin on Erens shoulder so he could see what he was doing and also see the road. Luckily, there weren't any cars driving by.

Eren slowly and gently pressed his foot down on the petal and with Levi's help, turned onto the road.

"Easy enough?" Levi asked and removed his hands from the wheel, setting his hand on Erens thighs.

"Hm.. yes." Eren smiled and steadily moved the wheel to keep them in the lane. He was probably going under the speed limit but there were no cars in sight, meaning he could go any speed he wanted.

Eren shifted a little in his seat on Levi's lap, purposely rubbing against a certain spot.

"Eren," Levi warned and moved Eren up with his arms. "Not right now."

"Hm?" Eren hummed and rolled his eyes. He playfully patted Levi's leg before putting his hand back on the wheel. "I don't know what you mean."

"Mhm. Hey, stop sign." Levi said and Eren slammed on the brakes. The two jolted forward and knocked their heads together.

"Oopsie daisy." Eren giggled and looked behind him to see Levi rolling his eyes. "You okay, old man?"

"Hm. Watch your mouth, brat." Levi smirked. Eren slightly stepped on the gas again and kept a steady hand on the wheel. "Not too old to put you in your place."

"Sounds fun."

"Only you'd think so."

"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" Eren gasped as they walked into a luxury cabin out in the woods. After about two hours of driving, they arrived. Eren stopped driving a bit after he started but stayed in the drivers seat with Levi.


"You own this place?" Eren gawked at the crystal chandelier and expensive looking furniture. It was so different from the mansion. It still looked like it cost a whole lot of money but it was a lot more cozy feeling.

"No. I'm just renting it." Levi said sarcastically. He'd already told Eren a few times today he bought a cabin a couple years back.

"So where's our room?" Eren asked spinning around in place, taking in the place.

"Come on." Eren grabbed his hand and Levi pulled him to the master bedroom. Everything was wooden but so pretty.

"Woah." Eren jumped onto the soft mattress and buried his head into the pillow. "Levi come here."

Levi rolled his eyes and walked over to the side of the bed Eren lay on. The older man put his arms on either side of Eren and leaned over him.

Eren hummed a happy response and grabbed the sides of Levi's jaw. The brunette kissed him before pulling his boyfriend on top of him. "Can we?"

"Not right now." Levi said and rolled off Eren. The younger male frowned at him and hit him with a pillow.

"Why not?" He jutted out his bottom lip making Levi roll his eyes.

"I told you on the way here, Hange, Erwin, and Hudson are coming too." Levi smacked Eren with the pillow he got hit with and ran away from him.

Eren gasped and ran after him, tackling him onto the couch and hitting him with another pillow.

"How rude." Eren said and hit him again. Levi snuck another pillow and smacked Eren on the side of the head. "I'm going to fuck you up, Mr. Ackerman." Eren jokingly said, chasing after his boyfriend again when he got out from behind him.

"That's my job to do to you, not the other way around." Levi smirked and ran behind the kitchen island, running around it when Eren came at him.

Eren slightly blushed. "Shut up!"


"You heard me." Eren narrowed his eyes and pivoted in his place when Levi started to move.

"I must have misheard then." Levi blinked and crossed his arms. "Didnt your mom ever teach you to use polite words." The older sarcastically said.

"Hm.. she did." Eren replied and crossed his arms too. "To people who earned my politeness."

"I think I've earned that and more."

"Have you now?" Eren chuckled. He must've forgotten that he and Levi were trying to get each other because when Levi started walking towards him he stayed put.

"Mhm. I think it's you who still needs to earn mine." Levi wrapped his arms around Erens waist and stared down at him with loving eyes.

"Hm. Haven't I?" The brunette hummed. He gently grabbed the sides of Levi's face and leaned up to kiss his boyfriend passionately on the lips.

Just then the doorbell rang and they broke it, walking to the door to greet their guests.


I'll start uploading on days. This sorry will be published on FRIDAYS. My other story, 'Mine.' will be published on Wednesdays.

I am kind of running out of ideas and need some help sooo yeah.

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