Chapter Two

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"Eren! What happened? Are you okay? Where is Terry? Did he do something?" Mikasa said, smothering him with questions.

"Mika, I'm fine. I'll tell you all about it after work, okay?" Eren said and got behind the register.

"Me too?" Armin asked.

"Yup! Now let's just finish these last few hours and get out of here, yeah?" Everyone here at the moment got off at 12:30, six and a half hours of work. Then the next people came and worked until 7:00, closing the cafe after.

Eren was in a surprisingly good mood after just being assaulted by his boss, whom was just knocked out in front of him. However, that might be why he was happy. Levi Ackerman just punched his boss in the face for him.

Levi and Hange stayed at their table in the corner for a while longer.

"Levi, you should definitely just buy this place." Hange said with an eye roll. "I mean if I had your kind of money, I would to."

"And why would I waste my money on this shithole?" Levi retorted.

"Because why should that old pervert get to run this place? It's not fair to the employees, Levi." She answered.

"Then they can get new jobs?" Levi huffed. He really didn't feel like wasting his money on some shitty cafe just to help one boy.

"Some of them can't get new jobs, Levi. Maybe this is the only one that pays well enough or accepts them."

Levi just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, shitty glasses."

"And I also got you Erens number!" Hange smirked.

"Oh my gosh, I don't want it, Hange." Levi groaned. He picked up his tea and threw the empty cup in the trash on the way out of the shop.

Hange rolled her eyes and followed him outside. They got in their cars and headed for Levi's dealership.

When 12:30 slowly rolled around the corner, Eren waiting for his replacement, Jean, to finally show up.

"What up, Jeager?" A familiar voice neighed. Jean.

"You're late, horseface." Eren growled. Jean always knew how to get under Erens skin.

"Only by.." Jean checked his watch and shrugged, "Thirty minutes. "

"I'm seriously going to kill you one of these days." Eren groaned. Armin left already but Mikasa stayed around.

"Hah. When fat pigs fly, maybe." Jean scoffed.

"Shut the fuck up, Jean. Eren, let's go." Mikasa demanded and grabbed Erens arm after he hung his apron in the closet.

Eren got in the passenger seat of Mikasas car and buckled himself in. Mikasa then got behind the wheel and drove to Armins house.

The ride there was pretty chaotic. Mikasa demanded Eren told him why Terry and pulled him outside and when she found out, she was livid. She wanted to turn the car around and go punch him in the face but Eren reasoned with her, leaving out the part it was Levi who came to his rescue, and it was just a normal customer. For some reason, Mikasa had a grudge against Levi. They've never even met though. Eren figured it was just because he was rich and had it easy.

"Hey Eren, hey Mikasa!" Armin said as he opened his apartment door. Armin had just moved out of his parents house and into his own place a few days ago. He decided not to go to college and got into modeling instead becoming a lawyer like he thought he was going to be.

"Way to just walk out on us!" Eren playfully hit Armims shoulder with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, really! It's just I wanted to get here and sort stuff before you two came over. " Armin explained. "Now let's get to work."

"As you wish, your highness! Your wish is my command, Sir Arlert!" Eren joked.

The trio got to work helping Armin unpack all of his newly bought furniture. They each worked in separate rooms: Mikasa in the kitchen because she was a good interior decorator, Armin in his room, and Eren in what was an office but they were making a spot to hang out. 

Eren turned on his playlist, which mostly consisted of Elvis Presley and Micheal Jackson and started painting the walls. He was told to paint a white accent wall and the others grey with the paint left in the room.

They grey color he was painting the walls reminded him of a familiar set of eyes. All day, Eren hadn't been able to get his mind off of him, off of Levi Ackerman. He could relate the smallest things to him and then think about him and him only for the next fifteen minutes.

He shook his head and concentrated on painting.

After an hour of concentration, Eren managed to paint two of the green walls grey before Mikasa came to help.

"So how'd the kitchen turn out?" Eren asked to make conversation. It'd been five minutes and they only shared a 'hi' when she came to help out.

"Pretty good, I'm kinda jealous actually." Mikasa chuckled slightly. "It's way nicer than mine, that's for sure."

Eren and Mikasa continued to paint for the next hour before the were finished. The room was pretty big but only took about two and a half hours in all.

"Hey Eren?" Mikasa asked when they were cleaning up.

"Yeah?" He answered, turning his gaze towards her.

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean you could've gotten raped today.." She questioned. Her eyes were full of concern as she stared at Eren.

"I'm sure. Thanks for asking though" Eren smiled.

"I swear I'll smack him into Christmas Eve." She growled.

"Hey- wow this looks great guys! Thank you so much!" Armin beamed.

"It's no problem, Armin. Finish tomorrow after work?" Eren asked. "I really gotta get back to my mom."

"Yeah, that sounds great. Let me just get my keys and I'll drive you back." Armin said.

"I'm going to head out, bye guys." Mikasa said and exited the apartment followed by farewells from Eren and Armin.

A few seconds later Armin came back with his car keys and the two males left the apartment complex and made their way to the parking lot.
"Bye Armin, thank you so much for the ride!" Eren said and shut the door.

"No problem, see you tomorrow, Eren!" Armin said through the open car window.

Armin drove away into the distance and Eren walked up the ran down sidewalk to his own apartment.

"Mom, I'm home!" Eren called as he shut the door. "Are you hungry for dinner?"

No response.

"Mom?" He called a second time.

Again, no response.

"Mom?" He shouted, growing concerned.

He spotted her laying on the floor of her bedroom, face down, after searching the house for her. She wasn't moving.

Cliffhanger. This chapter is a little slow and trashy 🗑 but I'll try to make it better sooner or later lol.

Please tell me some ideas bc I'm having "writers block" right now ☺️

This passage was not proof read.

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