Chapter Thirty-Three

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Eren flopped down next to Levi to try and catch his breath. "Holy shit..."

Levi looked over at him. "How's that for an 'old man'?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure.. guess I'll need another example." Eren panted. He got back up and sat down on Levi's lower abdomen.

"Oh my gosh, we're back..." Eren sighed and fell onto the soft mattress he and Levi shared. "I'm so tired."

"Take a nap, I have a few things to do," Levi said and placed a kiss on Eren's cheek.

"No..." Eren whined and stomped his feet. "What do you have to do?"

"Respond to emails, make phone calls, stuff like that," Levi replied and Eren rolled his eyes, pulling him down next to him.

"That's stuff you can do from bed, next to me." Eren slightly smiled and crawled up further in the bed, patting the mattress next to him for Levi to scoot up.

Levi sighed and got out of bed. He took off his shirt and pulled out his laptop from a drawer. Then, he climbed back into the bed next to Eren.

The brunette pulled himself in between Levi's legs to where his back was against Levi. The laptop was placed in Eren's lap and Levi stretched around the boy's small frame to type.

After about two hours, Levi was finally done. Eren had fallen asleep in his lap after about five minutes of him working, despite sleeping the whole car ride home.

"Wake up, baby," Levi whispered and lightly shook him. "If you sleep too much now, you won't get any sleep tonight."

"I think that's how I spend most of my nights anyway." Eren groaned and rotated in his spot to face Levi.

"Exactly, because you sleep too much throughout the day," Levi said.

"No, it's because you can't control yourself around my beauty." Eren rolled his eyes. He made duck lips and did a little pose.

"Y'know, you roll your eyes at me a lot." Levi raised a brow and slid a hand up Eren's shirt. The brunette twitched at the cold touch of his hand.

"Oh, yeah?" Eren teased and inched closer to Levi's face — only an inch separating their lips. Eren's green eyes stared into Levi's. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"I'm going to-" Levi started and threw Eren to the center of the bed. His hands went to Eren's sides and began tickling him till Eren couldn't breathe from laughter.

"Levi-" Eren through his head back in laughter. "Levi, s-stop!" He snorted.

Levi started to laugh too. "Was that a snort?"

"M-maybe." Eren cackled and squirmed away from the older man. A light blush spread across his face and he looked away from his boyfriend. "Maybe not."

Levi got out of bed and walked over to Eren. He pulled him in close by his waist and delicately kissed him. Eren placed his hands on either side of Levi's head and melted into it.

There was something about this moment that Eren didn't want to ever leave. He slowly slid his hand from Levi's face down to his waist and then to his v-line. His hand crept into Levi's waistband and then lower.

"Not right now, baby." Levi shook his head and waited for Eren to remove his hand, which he didn't.

"Levi..!" Eren whined and grabbed hold of his boyfriend's member. "I know you want to."

"Not right now, Eren," Levi said more firm. Eren rolled his eyes and pulled out his hand.

"Ouch!- What was that for?" Eren hissed and grabbed his arm where Levi pinched him.

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