Chapter thirty-two

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"Good morning, sleepy head." Hange said from the dining table. She and everyone else was sitting at the table drinking coffee, except Levi who was drinking tea.

Eren nodded his head, too sleep deprived to utter a word. He scanned the room for Melina who was sitting right across the table from Levi.

"Oooh, man am I so sore from yesterday," Eren said abruptly, getting a boost of energy when the thought of making her jealous crossed his mind.

"Eren, what are you doing?" Levi mouthed to him, fidgeting in his seat. Eren just smirked at him, about to receive satisfaction at Levi's karma and Melina's jealousy.

"Right, tubing was wild." Connie laughed and stretched his arms. "My arms are aching."

"I'm not talking about tubing, though." Eren yawned and sat down on Levi's lap. He pulled at the collar of his shirt, revealing dark purple bruises and swollen bite marks. "And if you think that's bad, you should see Levi's back." Eren nodded.

Levi now understood how embarrassing it felt and regretted doing that to Eren even more. He didn't show it though and only wrapped his arms loosely around Eren's torso.

Nobody said anything, shocked that Eren was so abrupt and outgoing this morning. Melina rose from the table and walked away. Levi now understood what Eren was doing.

He looked down at his boyfriend whose hair was messy and ratted. He was wearing one of Levi's white button-ups that went down to his mid-thigh and only a small pair of panties underneath.

"I'm going upstairs," Levi said to Eren and stood up, setting Eren back down on the chair.

Eren rolled his eyes and followed, not wanting to be without Levi after making that statement.

"Congratulations, baby, you woke up at 7:00 am," Levi said as they entered the bedroom. Eren rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed, ready to go back to bed.

"Mmh... I'm going to kill myself." Eren croaked. His muscles were in agonizing pain, he had a headache, and he just felt gross.

"No, you aren't," Levi said and sat down next to Eren. The younger looked over at Levi and reached over to pull his shirt off. Levi let him do as he pleased and didn't object.

"Damn, I wasn't kidding." Eren gasped, looking at his boyfriend's back. It was harder to find a spot that didn't have a scratch than it was to find one that did. Some of them even scabbed over from him digging too deep and drawing blood. "Does it not hurt?"

"It does." Levi nodded and leaned back against the headboard. "I just choose to ignore it."

"You should start making me wear rubber gloves or something." Eren chuckled and leaned his head on Levi's shoulder.

"Yeah, that'll sure turn me on," Levi said, the sarcasm very evident in his tone.

"I know, I'll get some red ones." Eren nodded and smirked, pecking Levi's lips.

"No." Levi shook his head. "You're not wearing those. I'd rather get mauled by your nails than have rubber pulling on my back the whole time."

"Yeah, yeah." Eren rolled his eyes. "I was just messing with you."

Eren ran his fingers along Levi's abdomen, tracing the lines of his muscles. He closed his eyes and listened only to the quiet sound of Levi breathing.

When Eren woke up, Levi was still there scrolling through Instagram.

"Shit, Levi, look at all of your messages." Eren laughed, his voice scratchy from just waking up. In the little red circle, it said 99+. "Why dot you read them?"

"They're not important, no point." Levi shrugged and continued scrolling. Eren rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll look for you," Eren said, intrigued. He grabbed Levi's phone and went into his DMs. Levi didn't seem to mind and closed his eyes, relaxing his head into the pillow. He wouldn't be able to sleep but it still felt nice to shut his eyes. "Damn, these are some thirsty people."

"Which is why I don't read them." Levi said. Eren scrolled and scrolled but the list never ended. He was kind of jealous and thought that one of these days Levi would leave him for one of these rich and pretty people with excellent bodies.

"Here." Eren said, nonchalantly. He handed Levi his phone back and rolled over in bed, pulling up the covers to his armpits.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Levi sighed, sensing something was wrong by Eren's tone. When he got no response, he placed light kisses on Eren's shoulder and along his jaw.

"Levi, stop." Eren frowned. He shrugged Levi off and continued to face away from him. Levi, however, wouldn't take no for an answer. Slowly, he slipped his hand up Eren's shirt and nipped at his ear. "Levi.." Eren grunted, trying his best to ignore the sensation.

"What's wrong?" The older man asked, continuing his actions. Eren found himself grinding up against Levi, a natural reflex Levi brought out in him.

"Nothing..." he breathed, slowly losing his self-control. After being lied to, Levi bit down harder on Eren's ear causing the younger to hiss in pain.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, Eren. Whats wrong?" His tone wasn't flirtatious anymore and instead harsh and firm.

"Okay, fine." Eren exasperated. He swiftly turned around to face Levi. "I'm just scared one of these days you're going to leave me for one of those people. They're all so attractive and have killer bodies, meanwhile I'm just...average."

"Why do you think I leave all of those messages unopened, bug?" Levi said, kissing Eren's forehead. "You don't have to worry about that, okay?"

"Okay..." Eren nodded. A tug appeared on his lips as he loosely hugged his boyfriend.

"Regardless of if I opened them or not, Eren, you're beautiful, alright? I want you to stop thinking so lowly of yourself."

Eren nodded. He knew billionaires always had beautiful partners who looked unrealistic, so sometimes he felt out of place being in a relationship with Levi.

Eren looked at the time: 9:15 am. He had fallen asleep for two hours and with that came along a burst of energy.

"You up for a 9:00 am round, old man?"

: hi you guys

hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to try and make them longer starting in the next chapter.

have a good rest of your day and or night

-compimisho ❤️

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