Chapter Seventeen

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"I just really don't like you is all." Melina said and pressed the knife harder against his throat. "I mean you are cute and all but you're oh so annoying. I mean I've been trying to get closer with the group but they always talk about how much they miss you and I just-" she growled and pushed Eren harder into the wall.

"Fuck you." Eren retorted and spat in her face. Before things went any further, Eren woke up in a hot sweat.

He took a moment to calm down before coming to the reality around him. Fire. Lots of it.

His apartment complex was burning down and he was trapped inside. He scrambled to get out of bed when he heard banging on his door. Within seconds a fireman kicked down the door after beating it with his axe.

Eren ran through the wall of fire separating his room from the rest of the apartment. He felt his arm being burned and pulled off the grey sweatshirt which sleeve was caught on fire.

"Come on." The fireman boomed and hurried over to Eren, helping him out of the apartment.

Covered in ash and inhaling so much smoke, Eren ran out of the door, coughing and gagging.

The first responder tossed Eren over his shoulder and ran down the risky wooden stairs which were burning and falling.


"Eren! Are you okay?" Mikasa shouted, rushing over to the ambulance where Eren sat wrapped up in a blanket. "We saw the news and came as fast as we could."

Far behind Mikasa were the others, struggling to catch up.

"Yeah. Just a little burn." Eren sighed. The back of his neck, slightly trailing down his back, was covered in a nasty burn that would definitely never go away.

'Dammit. What if Levi thinks it's ugly.." Eren internally cursed. Levi was a rich man, meaning he could get anyone he wanted pretty much. Whether they liked him for his looks, money, personality, or all, he could get anybody.

Like any billionaire, he'd want an attractive person. Someone with no flaws, including scars.

"Eren!" Armin sounded super worried and he came running with the others up the the ambulance.

"He has a burn on his neck." Mikasa said and grabbed Erens hand to hold it. He pulled his hand away and glanced up at her.

"Is it bad?" Sasha asked. "Did they tell you what degree it was?"

"Second-degree burn." Eren muttered still in thought about Levi. He thought about United States billionaire, Donald Trump. He wasn't the best looking man but was rich and had a gorgeous wife. Levi on the other hand had more money than the former president and was probably the most attractive man Eren had laid eyes on.

"What's wrong?" Connie asked and sat down next to him. "I mean besides the obvious. You seem lost in thought."

"Just thinking about the nasty scar it's gonna leave." Eren chuckled running a hand across the bandage. "Damn this thing hurts like a bitch."

Annie and Jean slightly chuckled at his agony. Of course they felt bad for him, but seeing him so worked up about an injury wasn't something they were used to. Eren was the type to play it off, saying it didn't hurt at all even when he was seeping blood.

"How long do you have to keep it wrapped up?" Ymir said and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend, Historia.

"They said one to two weeks." Eren replied. He winced at a sudden sting it left.

"I'm so sorry Eren. I'm really happy you're okay." Historia whispered and rested a hand on Erens shoulder to which he smiled.

"It's okay. I woke up just in time to get out of the door."

"Where are you going to stay with the apartment burnt down?" Armin said and twiddled his thumbs.

Erens smile turned into a frown. "I haven't thought of that. I'm sure Levi would let me stay with him though." Eren assumed and let his mind ease. When he thought of his mom though, his mind was back to the questions. All of there stuff, gone. He didn't even know where his mom would stay.

"Shit.. how am I going to give the news to my mom." Eren sighed. He was going to start talking again when a fireman came up to the group.

"You're free to go, sir. However we found that cause of the fire." The man said and pulled out a plastic bag. "Someone left a candle on and it must have tipped over and caught the curtains on fire."

"Are there any deaths reported?" Marco asked and the male firefighter looked over at him.

"No. Your neighbor, Miss Calloway caused the fire and will be facing a few weeks in custody." He informed, nodding his head before walking away.

"You need a ride to Levi's?" Ymir asked. "We all came in Marcos van since we decided to stay at Armins a bit longer."

"Would you?" Eren said. "It's one in the morning. I'm not sure if you want to make the drive."

"Eren, you could've died. We don't care as long as you tell us about the fire and what happened in there." Marco assured and patted Eren on the back.

"Alright. Sure." Eren agreed. Mikasa had been as quiet as Annie usually was. She wasn't talking to anyone which was very unusual. She stood still as a statue, arms still crosses and eyes still focused on the cracked parking lot.

They all piled into the van, Marco driving and Eren riding shotgun.

The ride there was full of worried questions to sarcastic jokes. Eren loved his friends whom he just started getting close to again.

Even after he practically ghosted them for three months, they still cared so much for him and drove all the way down to his apartment from Armims to make sure he was okay at one in the morning.

Upon arriving at Levi's house, everyone's mouths dropped at the huge villa. They imagined his house to be big and nice with all of the money he had but to see something so extravagant and huge in real life was a different story. They could only imagine the houses they were thinking, some of which were not even as nice as Levi's.

"Thank you guys so much for dropping me off. I really appreciate it." Eren said and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind him.

"It's no biggie." Marco smiled and waved. "See you around!"

Everyone said their goodbyes and Eren waved as the drove off. He walked up to the front gate, punching in the passcode. Once the gates opened he ran up to the front door and heard barking as soon as he knocked.

: it's so late but I cannot sleep so I wrote this. I am so tired to as y'all know, not proof read or anything.

I was thinking of making a sequel when this story is done with more stuff. It would be more smutty for sure and some other stuff idk. But let me know what you think and want you want to see in the sequel.

Thank you for 1.7k reads and almost 100 votes. I love you guys!

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