Chapter 2.

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It's been a month since I've decided to come live with Craig and his family: I haven't heard from my family ever since Craig's mom decided to interrupt the contacts, for my safety.

My mental health has gotten better too, and I have less panick attacks and anxiety..Craig has helped me to get through the consequences given by the drugs, and now everything is almost returned normal.

Our daily routin isn't hard: we wake up for school, we get dressed and have breakfast, then we walk Ruby to school, that is near ours, and we then go to our school.

After school I have box and Craig has karate, so we see eachother again in the late afternoon.
Sometimes, when we aren't tired, we go out for a walk or we go to see a movie, but I always have to stay away from coffee.

Life at Craig's house is good, I can see him everyday and I don't have to worry about my parents.
We also have planned to move out when we will be 20, so we can have our own personal house: Craig wants to have a marriage, but I don't know if we can actually do that, since Im not baptized.

By living together we also adjusted some things about our relationship and we're talking more about our feelings and all!

Today, after my boxing session, I walked slowly to Craig's house, with my backpack on my shoulder, stopping sometime to watch thing: flowers, kids, birds, my dad's dad's car?
I feel the anxiety growing in me, even if it wasn't near Craig's house, seeing the car there, it meant that my dad was around that place too.

I started running, trying not to trip on my feet, without paying attention where I was going: after getting far from that damn car, I took a deep breath and I started again to walk back to home.
Thoughts were growing in my head, the anxiety was still there, but I pretended like nothing happened, because I didn't want to make Craig worry more, after everything he and his family are doing for me.

I open slowly the door, knowing that Craig is still at karate, Laura and Thomas are in the mall with Ruby: I have the home all for me.
Not that I really care, I wasn't that type of person that made mess when not supervised, but instead I cleaned the house and I went to the bedroom, to relax a bit.

I took of my clothes and I got in the shower, trying to send away that weird feeling from before.
It was probably just a coincidence..and even if not, I don't have to worry about it.
My parents don't care about me, so why shouldn't they be chasing after me?
It makes no sense, stop overthink Tweek.

I return in the bedroom, with a towel around my body, seeing Craig sitting on my bed, looking at his phone.
How long have I been showering? Was I lost in my thoughts for that much? I think

Craig look up at me, and I slightly blush.
"Oh, what a beautiful sight~" he says, joking around like he always do.
I smile, closing the door behind me and walking to him.

time skiiiiip~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Today is Friday: that means that it's been a week since I sent the letter to find a new job, so I should have got a reply.
I get outside in my pajama, hopping on my nude feet to the email box: I open it and I put my hand in it, taking everything that I find.

Then, I go to the kitchen and I put the letters on the table.
Some are bills, some are letters from Ruby's pen's one for me!

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now