Chapter 4.

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Since that day, I keep receiving those letters from my parents.
I haven't told anybody,
and my anxiety and panick attacks got back.

I'm also worse at school, since I'm always under the drug effects, and I can't find a job.
Craig has noticed, but he doesn't know why this is happening.

He's probably thinking that I've been drinking coffee again.
If only he could know that it's so much worse than that.

While I think this, I'm on his bed, watching the stars on the ceiling, made by the computer.
Craig is laying next to me, and he's staring at me.
I wish I could ignore it, but under the drug effect everything is slower and I can't think or act fast.

I slowly turn to him, and he looks at me with a worried look.
I ignore it, and I think of something to distract him.
" you like to go-" I start, but he interrupts me.
"Tweek, I'm worried" I look at him, and I just can't think of anything.

I just want to kiss his lips.
I want to feel him.
I want to
"Tweek, are you listening to me?" he put a hand on my shoulder.
I nod, but I wasn't even paying attention.

"Sorry Craig, I'm sleepy right now. Can we do the talk tomorrow?" I say, avoiding his gaze.
I then turn to the other side of the bed, and I hear him sigh.
I'm so sorry Craig, but you would hate me if you knew.
I close my eyes, and then I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning, and Craig is still sleeping: it's Sunday after all, and we have nothing to do all the day.

I put my hand in his hair, and then I get up: my legs still feel weird from yesterday, and my nose hurt.
I wish my parents would just leave me alone.

I tie my hair and I put on some fresh clothes, and then I sit on the bed, looking out of the window.
And to think that I was the one arguing with Craig because he smokes..

I shook my head and try to think about something else: I put on my shoes and I get out of the room, going out to buy me and Craig breakfast.
I start to walk, with my headphones on.
I freeze when I see my dad's car in front of an house, not so far from my...Craig's house.
I ignore it and I keep walking.

When I arrive at the café, I enter and I buy the breakfast, trying to ignore the coffee: if Craig caught me drinking coffee again, he would be angry, and I don't want to argue with him.
So what if he catch you using drugs?

He will break up with you.
You're just a burden.
You live in someone else's house and you become an addict?
What will Craig's family think about you?
What will Craig himself think about you?
Oh, stupid Tweek.
Did you really think that you could escape your parents?
Oh, you stupid child.

I flinch at the thoughts, returning to the reality and taking the breakfast.
I then go out of the café and I sit on a bench, sighing.
I put myself in so much troubles, and now I don't know what to do.

I slowly walk to the house, and I go to Craig's room.
"Honey, I bought breakfast!" I smile. He's still sleeping.
I put the breakfast on the desk, and then I go to the bathroom, to get a shower.

I take my clothes off, and I look at myself in the mirror: my skin is so pale and my eyes look so tired.
I sigh.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.

After taking a shower, I sit again on the floor.
And I take out my dollar.
And another day begins.

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