Chapter 16.

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I look at the houses outside the window of the car, as we pass them a feeling of nostalgia strikes me, finally understanding how much time has passed since I escaped from this city.
All because of my parents, but, finally, I don't have to worry about them anymore.

The car finally stops, in front of a house that I know well, too well: Craig's house.
My heart is racing at this point.
I don't know if he will want to see me, or what he now thinks of me.

I know that he has searched for me, but that doesn't mean anything, does it?

And well, it's been months since we last had a normal talk.
Since when we don't hold hands?
Oh, we used to do it all the time.
And now, I'm here, in the car, thinking about how much time has passed since I last told him something so simple, but so true.

When was our last 'I love you?'


Maybe it's better if he keeps living without me.
I'm just ruining his life.
Everything I have done..I just made him suffer.
I don't deserve him, but he deserves so much better.
Better than me.

I tap Laura's shoulder, and she turns to me with a 'mhm?'

I can't see him.

"I...I think it's better if I d-dont see him..he probably hates me now..and..he..I.."
Laura smiles again.
Why is she smiling?
Am I saying something funny?
Is she making fun of me?

"Tweek, dear" she points to the car window. "Look at the door"

I get my eyes off her and I look at the car window, and then at the door of Craig's house.
Or, well, what is in front of it.
Who is in front of it.

Craig is standing in front of the door, looking around, probably wondering why the car is not moving or why nobody is coming, since he can't see me through the car window.
The look on his face..

It looks like he hasn't slept in days, he looks sad and tired, but he still looks anxious to see his parents, to know what happened, probably to ask where I am.

I can't stand it anymore.

I open the car window, and I run to him.

The look when he saw was a mix from surprise and relief.
I jump in his arms, and he lifts me up, keeping me close to his chest.

After some seconds, I put my hands on his face and I begin to kiss him multiple times, tears running down my face and making me look like a mess: but I don't care anymore, I'm with him, he's with me, and the world around me isn't something that I'm interested in anymore.

"Tweek.." his monotone voice is broken by his sobs, and his face is a mess too, but he's still handsome, as always.
I would like, love, to tell him how much I missed him, but all I can say, all I can repeat, is 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you'

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