Chapter 10.

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I've been here for a week now: things are getting better, and my body is slowly healing.

I restarted studying, and my grades are better than when I was in South Park.
I'm not failing any class and I'm learning, for real.

The teachers are good, even if the punishments are heavy.

I have to take new pills, the right ones this time, twice a day.
My day is so much different than when I lived with my parents, it looks like a normal day as a teenager.

Except for the fact that I am in a rehab camp.

People are nice here, and I have made many friends, since we have to have lunch and dinner together everyday.
The food is alright, better than the old school canteen, anyway.

I've gained some pounds, and I'm not so skinny like I was before, I'm starting to have a normal body.
Bradley says that I look good, and that I looked good before, too.

I spend my afternoons studying and listening to the radio, sometimes even dancing to my favourite songs.
I can't use my phone anymore, of course.
I miss talking to Clyde and Token in video calls.

I miss my friend, but I bet that they don't miss me. Let's not talk about Craig, he probably has already moved on.

I have getting more and more closer to Bradley.

The way he talks about the things he likes, his shyness, his love to the nature, he's a nice person.
And he's pretty cute, too.

We spend a lot of times together, and I feel less anxious when I'm near him.
We even walk together sometimes, especially when I want to walk and I go exploring the woods.

There are a lot of things to do in the free time, too.
Like games, fun activities.
And, of course, we have to keep our rooms clean.

Right now, I'm cleaning the window in front of the table, after all the dough for the biscuits went on it.


Well, I was preparing it, when Bradley came behind me and started tackling me: I was so scared that I threw everything, and I made a huge mess.
He looked sorry at first, but then we laughed it off.

So now we're here, in the kitchen, cleaning the mess that we made.
"W-Wait, let me put on some music, it will be more fun to clean" I say, walking to the radio, and turning it on.

A spanish song starts playing, and I tap my foot to it, while I get back at cleaning.
"Man, I wish I could speak spanish, it sounds pretty" Bradley says, while he clean the table.

I nod, "Well, I-I can speak French!" I say, smiling, and throwing away the dirty paper.
"Oh.? You can?" he says, turning to me.

"Oui!" I smile "Est-ce difficile à croire ? "
*"yes! Is it hard to believe?"*
Bradley laughs, and I smile: his laugh is so pretty, even if it's not very loud, it's very clear.

"Dude, I didn't understand a thing you said! Mh!" I laugh too.
"Well, I didn't say anything difficult, really."

He stays quiet for a while, then he looks at me.
"Do any to say.."
"I love you" he says, blushing.

"Je t'aime" I say quietly.
He comes near me, and our faces are little inches apart.
"You have some dough on your face..can I?" he says, and I nod.

Our lips gets closer.

I look at his eyes, he looks so..

But I can't.

My heart, sadly, belongs to another man.

My thoughts comes to him.
To our first kiss.

We were hanging out as usual, and it was getting dark: I was tired, after walking all day, so we stopped in a lawn.
We sat down, one next to another.

The sky was beautiful, and it was full of stars.
Craig was talking about stars, planets, constellations....
When I looked at him, his lips, his hair showed since I had his hat, his cold hands, his eyes focused on the sky.

I was listening to him, but all I could think of was,

I wanna kiss him.
I wanna put my lips on his.
I wanna..feel him.

I put my hands on his, and he looked up at me.

We got so close, and we were making eye contact.
He then kissed me, first in a shyly way, then he began to kiss me more intensely.

"..I'm sorry Bradley." I put my hand on his chest, getting away from him, while he looked at me with a surprised -and sad- look.
I walked to the bedroom, for then throwing myself on the bed, and crying silently in my cushion.

Bradley didn't come, he stayed in the kitchen for a little longer, and then I heard the door open and he get out.

I sigh, I'm not over Craig and I'll probably never will.
I'll probably not be able to fall in love again, and all of this for someone who didn't even care about me.

I can still hear the radio from here, so I get up and I walk to the kitchen, to turn it off: but, instead, I mistakenly click a button and change the channel.

I hear some noises, and some voices.
It seem like a far channel, but I can still hear some words.


Hello...crrr... Is anyone hearing this?...crrr....
I ....crr...I'm searching for...crr....the missed teenager...crr..Tweek Tweak...crr...please, I beg you, if you have ********...

That voice, I could recognize that voice everywhere.
Craig was searching for me.

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