Chapter 12.

978 12 24

I look up to him.
I don't know what to do, so I try to make it seem like I don't know what he's doing.

"Um what are y-you saying?" I say, putting on a confused look.
I could tell him the truth but...

"Mh quit the part. I already know everything."
He says, with a serious look on his face.
How did he discover it?
Did I leave some proof anywhere?
I can't thinking of anything to say, so I just look at him, like a statue.

I don't know how to react, and I quickly think of everything that I have done, to maybe find the moment where I did an error.
"I know that you're the missing kid from some months ago. And I..just..don't know how you could lie to me for all this time. I just thought.."

Because I'm a liar. I always lie to everyone, and then I take the consequences.
Don't you see where I am?
Don't you see the place where I have to live now?

It's because I'm a liar.
And I take the consequences.

"Are you even listening to me?" he says.
His voice seem broken, like if he was about to cry.
I stare at the ground, to embarrassed to say anything.
"Bradley I-I'm sorry. Really.." I say.

Is this all you have to say?

He don't say anything for a while.
Then, he takes a few steps back,
"It doesn't matter anymore. I have already told it to the security." he's biting his nails, he must be stressed about it.

But I'm more worried about it, than stressed.
This could be the end of my escape.
And I know what happens next.

"I'm" I sigh "Yes it's right, I -gh- lied to you, but it was before I was scared. I don't think it m-matters anymore though."
I get up, looking at the flowers for a last time.
"Just..If they send me back..and I survive" I put my hand on his shoulder "I will send you some letters. Please, don't ignore me when I'll do it, o-okay?"

I care about him.
Even if he betrayed me.

I then turn around and I start to walk to the the home of the camp leader.
I can hear Bradley sob behind my back, but that doesn't stop me from walking.
I have worse things to deal with right now.

I knock at the door, and I go in when they open it: inside, there are two security guards and a woman, behind a desk, who is looking at me from my head to my feet.

"So. You lied about your identity huh? You're the missing kid from that small city."
I slowly nod, and a security guard makes me sit on a chair, in front of desk.

The woman bites the top of a pen, while she looks at some papers.
Then she look up to me, while I observe her.

"Well. Alright then, Tweek. Your journey ends here."
I sigh, but I'm relieved. I expected much worse from this lie. And now I just have to-

"We called your mom. She's on her way."

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now