Chapter 14.

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I close my eyes, and I try to pray: I never believed in any religion, and I don't know any prayer, but I don't have anything left to do now.

My life flows before my eyes, and I think of everything I have done, of all the people I have liked and all the people I have hated, all the fights I have been in and the one that introduced me to the person I love, all the movies I have seen and all the books I have read.

Oh, i don't want to die.
Someone, please, someone,
I don't want to leave.
Not yet.

I close my eyes, and I wait for something to happen.
I hear the door slowly open, and someone enters.
"Oh my..Tweek!"

That voice sounds familiar, but it's not my mother's voice.
It's a woman's voice, sure, but not my mom's.

I slowly open my eyes and I look at the door: in front of it, there is a tall and slim white woman, with long blond hair and brown eyes.

Craig's mom.

"L-Laura?" I don't understand, but I'm not scared anymore.
I don't know why she's here, I don't know why she's here and my parents aren't, but I don't care.
I'm so happy to see her, that I can't even move.

I look at her eyes: she looks tired, but also relieved.
I remember the fact that I heard Craig at the radio, and he sounded tired, too.
Did she help search me with him?

Could I...?

I sigh. No I can't.

Don't you remember?
Her son kicked you out of the house.
Why, you ask?
You used drugs in her house.
You ungrateful bitch.

I feel tears form in my eyes, and I get up and run to her: she puts an arm around me and she hugs me, tightly, while I cry to her.
She pets my hair: I wonder what she knows, and why she even bothered to come here.
It's a long ride, and she probably hates me, why did she..?

"Craig has told me everything." she softly says.
I start to cry even more, trying not to think of it.
What did he tell her?

"Tweek, sweetie, don't cry" she puts an hand on my cheek, and looks at me, even if I can't even look at her in the eyes: I feel guilty, ashamed, and I just can't.
"Craig has told me everything, yes, but I promise that it's not your fault. I'm not angry"

I slowly look up at her, meeting her eyes.
"We were worried sick, though. We thought something bad happened to you" she sigh "Its a relief to know that you're okay."

I continue to quietly sob, letting out a small "I'm sorry" and she hugs me again.

She then takes my backpack "Let's go now. Thomas is waiting for us in front of the car"
Craig's dad has come too?
I nod and I follow her, out of the door.

We walk to the car and Craig's dad hugs me, while he smiles.
Craig's mom and dad has always been an opposite couple, and that's what makes them beautiful.
In fact, Thomas is really open and loves to show emotions, while Laura, like his son, doesn't really show them so much.

I enter the car, and I look out of the window: I see Bradley at the window, looking at me, with a sad look on.
I raise my hand to waive at him, but he quickly close the curtains: I stare at them for some seconds, and then I sigh.

I'm sorry Bradley...

I'm still crying, even if I have calmed down, but things has happened so fast that I didnt have time to process it.

What is going to happen next?
Are my parents gonna discover me?
"U-Um..are we...going back to south park?" I shyly asks.

Laura nods, while she gives me some handkerchiefs to dry my tears off my face.

I don't know how Craig will react to see me, and I'm not sure I want to know.
We haven't talked since that happened.
And I'm..scared.

I sigh.


A long car ride is waiting for us.

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