Chapter 11.

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I'm in the garden, and I'm taking care of some flowers that they gave me.
I've always liked gardening, I like plants and flowers and I love to see them grow.

While I finish my work, I sit on the ground and I look at those beautiful flowers, but my mind is in other places.
I just can't stop thinking of everything that is happening and that had happened.

The camp, Bradley, the radio...

I could recognize that voice everywhere.
Even if I hadn't heard it in so much time,
I loved that voice.
And I loved the person who owned that voice.

It was past midnight,
and he seemed desperate.

He was repeating the announcement,
probably hoping that someone with some news could hear it.

His voice was tired and it seemed like he has drank a bit.
I felt my heart jump when I heard him, and tear started to form in my eyes.

He cared about me?
He was worried?
What could I do?

I was lost in my mind, thinking about it.
I didn't know what to do: here in the camp, after almost a month, I'm clean from drugs, and my mental health has improved.

I could forget my past life, fall in love with Bradley and live a normal life.
But I know that this isn't what I was born to.

I like Bradley, it's true, and he's a really nice person and his company make my day,
but I don't love him.

My heart belonged to another, and there wasn't much that I could do.
It doesn't pass a day that I don't think of Craig,
his black hair and his blue eyes that contrast,
his hyperfixation on space, his love for our guinea pig that we called "our son",

his beautiful voice and the way that he sang the song that he wrote, while I played the piano,
his body.

I loved everything about him, but I messed up so much that I didn't know what to do.
I couldn't just return in town.

I know that my parents are waiting for me: I caused them so much troubles, that they will probably punish me in every way possible.
And I'm afraid that they will kill me.

I sigh, and I put my head on my knees, clutching them close to my chest.
I just wish that I had more auto control.
Or that I had told everything to Craig.

Things would be easier now.
But hey, I can't change the past.

While I'm lost in my thoughts, I hear some foot steps behind me: I wonder who it is, but I don't turn around.
I'm comfortable in this position and I can't take my eyes of the flowers.


I freeze.

Nobody knew my name.
I haven't told nobody.
It wasn't written on the papers that I compilated before entering the bus.
So why does Bradley know it?

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now