Chapter 15.

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The car ride was really long, like a few hours: I'm in the back seat, next to the window, and I feel my stomach go upside down by the anxiety, even if I try to stay calm.

I keep looking at everything that it's outside, trying to ignore my situation.
We haven't talked since we left the camp, even if I know that they would like to ask me what happened, how the camp was, and things like these.

I just can't think of anything right now, my head is a mess, full of screaming thoughts.
I can't stop thinking of how many troubles I caused them, making me feel so bad that I can't even look at them.

While we get more and more near to South Park, I feel my eyes watering: all the memories, that I tried to avoid for all this time, are getting back.

Are you ready to go back to that house, Tweek?

Are you ready to face your parents?

Are you ready to die? Or become to clown of the town?

The kid who escaped, y'all!

He's back!

He's back in town!

And all the people who suffered because of him, will have to see him everywhere!

Even his boyfriend, who he made suffer more than the others!

And then-

"Tweek" a calm voice brings me back to reality.
Laura probably has noticed my little panic attack, and she put her hand on my leg, trying to comfort me.
I give her a little smile, while she looks at me with a worried look.

"Your parents are-" "C-Craig" I interrupt her, and she looks surprised; I lower my voice " is Craig?"

Laura smiles, while all I can think about is him.
I don't care about what will happen with my parents. I need to see him.

But, instead of Laura, is Thomas the one who speaks up.
"He's gone through an hard time. He sure as hell misses you more than anything, these months has been hard for this town"

Is this how much time has passed?

It's hard to hear how much I made Craig suffer but.. it still makes me feel a bit better to know that he hasn't totally forgotten about me.
I don't care if he hates me now, he has all the rights to do so.

But what will you do with your parents?

"I-Im.. sorry" I lower my gaze "Everything went..not how I wanted parents..." I feel the anxiety growing more and more in me, again, and tears begin to run down my cheeks.

"My parents will kill me."

The words escape my mouth, probably because I kept them in too much: at this point I was crying in an incontrollable way, feeling the tears run down my cheeks and then dripping on my legs.
"They won't forgive me this time.."

Craig's mom doesn't stop looking at me, and, without saying anything, she gives me a handkerchief. She keeps looking at me with that reassuring smile, and I can't help but feel better, somehow.

"Tweek, dear, don't worry about that. Your parents won't be a problem anymore, I promise. The police discovered about the drugs, the letters they sent to you, the coffee, everything. And, of course, we testified against them" she smiles again "They're in prison now. Away from you, from us."

I don't have to worry about my parents anymore?

They won't ruin my life, anymore?

I feel a smile getting on my face, everything I want to say, everything I think...
but in the end, everything that leaves my lips is a quiet 'thank you for everything'

Because something else has caught my attention, and my mind.

We're back in South Park.

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now