Chapter 3.

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Some are bills, some are letters from Ruby's pen's one for me!

I take the letter and I go to the bathroom, to be able to read it alone: I didn't know if they gave me a job or not, so I didn't want someone to see me in case I had a bad reaction.

I lock the door and I sit on the floor, with my back leaning to the wall, looking at that letter: it had something familiar, but I couldn't remember what.
It's a yellow letter, not too small, and it's written «To: Tweek Tweak» on it, so I'm sure that it's for me.
It's not written from who it is, though.

I bite my nails, thinking if I should open it or not: maybe I should wait for Craig, he always has a calm temper and he always knows what to choose.
But ..
I don't want to depend on him, it's just a letter, if I'm not able to do even little things like this on my own, how can I expect him to love me?

I nod my head, replying to my thoughts, and I take a small swiss army knife that I always bring with me: I take a deep breath and I put it on the letter, cutting the top part to open it.

I look inside of it: there's a white card.
A white card? Is it a new way to communication for jobs? I thought that even letters are old and that know everyone uses emails, but cards? I think.
I was about to take it out, when I heard someone knock at the door.

I immediately got up, looking around for a place to hide the letter: I decided to put it inside of the little locker used for my meds.
Then, I open the door, seeing Tricia in front of me.

"Hey spaz, dinner is ready" she says with the same monotone voice as Craig, while I nod my head.
"Hey! Treat him nicely you turd!" I hear Craig's voice coming from his bedroom: he wanted to 'defend me', sure, but he was too lazy to get up.
Tricia just flips him off and then go downstairs, to the kitchen, without adding a word.
I smile at that.

Even if Craig and Tricia don't have a really good relationship, they care for eachother, and they're so similar that they often have little fights.
It's fun to watch them, sometime.
Things never get serious, and Craig put on the rule to not go to sleep angry.
He decided to put that rule for our relationship too, and I don't mind.

We don't fight often, since we say everything to eachother...almost everything.
I was lost in my thoughts when something touches my arm: I flinch at that, and I turn around, just to face Craig.

"Pff, did I scare you?" he says, smiling at my reaction.
"Oh shut up" I jokingly punch him on the shoulder, smiling.
"Ow~ you hurt me! How could you?~" he says, falling on his knees and acting like a drama queen.
I chuckle, and let him have fun.
"Oh, how awful, what can I do for you to forgive me?~"
"Mmm" he look up at me "Kiss me~"
"Alright, alright" I lower myself, pressing my lips on his.

He get up and hugs me, and I keep smiling.
Craig can seem a dickhead, but he's such a kind and fun person.
"Come on now, or we'll be late for dinner" I say, taking his hand and walking downstairs.

time skips!✷

After dinner, I cuddle for a while with Craig, when I remember the letter: I get up with an excuse, and I walk to the bathroom, with the curiosity eating me out: the curiousity killed the cat, they said.

I take the letter from the locker and I sit on the ground, taking with the card between two fingers; I then look at it: it's a full with card, with a smiley on it.
A big, yellow smiley.
I open the card to see what's inside, and I feel my soul leave the body.

"Congratulations honey! You're looking for a job! But don't you miss a little your old parents? We love you so much, and we miss you so much! Here, a little encouragement to find a job. We'll watch you!"

And under that there was a little bag, full of white dust.

I start to silently crying, I can't resiste anymore, I can't even go on without my coffee, and now, it's here, in front of me, a drug. I promised, oh I promised, and I'm not even in my house, but...

I roll up a dollar I had In my pocket.
I sniff.
And the fun hell begins.

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now