Chapter 8.

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I don't know how much time has passed since when I escaped, but I have seen some posters with my face on them.

It seems like someone noticed my absence.
If my parents catch me again, I'm sure that they will punish me.

They would probably even kill me.
If the police investigate on our house, they will surely find out about the drugs, and that will be my fault.

I can't risk going back.

I haven't used any drugs by then, and my body misses it: I have decided to get clean again, though.

I'm standing in front of a big building: on it, it is written in large letters "REHAB FIELD".
I have seen something about these sort of organizations, and they're like summer centres for drugged teens.

Sounds good, huh?
Yeah, no, it doesn't.
But I don't have any other choices.

I slowly walk in, trying to make a good first appearance.
Behind a desk, there's a small woman, with big glasses and short brown hair.

She looks up at me, and I make a forced smile.
I can feel the anxiety on me right now, and it's really not helping.

"Goodmorning young man. You must be the one who called this morning, right?"
I nod.
"Well, nice to meet you ......" she waits for me to say my name.

I quickly make up a name: I can't say my real name, she probably has seen the announcements about me going missing, and she would take me to the police.

"...Tom..Marsh..?" I say, hoping that it didn't sound more like a question than an affirmation.

"Well, alright, come with me" she gets up and takes me to a room.
"You can leave your belongings here, and then a buss will take you to the field. Don't worry, if your girlfriend calls you or anything, we won't answer your phone."

I smile at the word girlfriend, but then i feel my heart aching, thinking about Craig.

I take off my backpack and I hand it to her.
Then, I go out in the parking area, waiting for the bus.

After half an hour, I see it arrive and I get on it: it's full of teenagers like me: I sit next to a blond guy, since it was the only seat avaible.

He looks at me, and I look at the ground, to anxious to do anything and afraid to make things more awkward than they already are.

"U-Um. Hey" I quickly raise my head.
Did it sit on his seat?
Did I do anything wrong?
Is he gonna be angry?
I look at him with fear.

"Huh-huh! I didn't mean to scare you, I'm so sorry" I look at him.
"I just wanted to...uh..the the bus ride is gonna take a while so I thought- yes uh, maybe to get to uh, know you? Like!! Ugh"

He starts biting his nails, and I feel so bad since all I did was just staring at him.

"Um. I'm Tw- uh. Tom. Marsh. Tom Marsh" I offer him my hand and he shakes it.
"Im Bradley.."

He looks weird, but he doesn't seem mean at all.
After all, I don't know anyone here, so it wouldn't be bad to find someone to talk with.
I think again of Craig, his laugh, the way I could talk with him of anything, his cuddles, his short hair that he always hided in his blue hat, and the yellow pompom on it, that Clyde jokingly called "Tweek's pompom hair"

But, he hates me now, and it's all my fault.

Out of my house. [Craig×Tweek] [ OLD ] Where stories live. Discover now