Chapter 6.

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He lift me up by the back of my collar shirt: he then dragged me to the door and threw me outside.

I fall on the cement, and I look up to him.
He's on the door, breathing fast and looking at me with anger: he's so handsome, but I can't tell him that.
I wish I did it more before.

"You want to fucking die, huh?! Well, okay then, go fucking overdose, I don't want you near my house again!"

"Craig, please, wait I-"
he was already back in the house, and he returned some minutes later, throwing my backpack to me.

I could see his eyes watering, but he was trying hard not to cry.
He then closed the door and went back inside.

I felt my heart broke, I knew that this would happen sooner or later but I didn't expect him to react like this.

My knees hurt, and my head still fill dizzy: I slowly get up and look at the door.

He didn't love you.
You disappointed him.
I don't know if he ever expected something better from you, though.
And now you're alone.
All alone.

I start to cry, starting to walk away: I don't know where to go, but I can't stay there.
He's right, it's better if I go out from his life.
And to think that I was
I deserve this.
I got this all by myself.

While I'm lost in my thoughts, walking on the sidewalk, I see a car stopping near me.
The anxiety grow fast in me like it always did.
Are they trying to kidnap me?
Who are they?
Oh shut up Tweek, it's probably just someone who stopped driving to have a smoke break.

I feel my blood freeze.
That voice.
I know that voice.
Of course you know it,
it's your dad after all.

"See, son, I told you that Tucker wasn't the right one for you. Come on, get in. We will think of everything"
I look at him.
I see my mom smiling at me.

"Oh honey don't worry, we will take care of our baby. We will even find someone to replace him, anyway.
And where would you go anyway? They don't want you, as you can see!"

Another tear rolls down my face, when she says that.
She then hands me some pills.
I look at them.
"To make you feel better, honey"

I nod.
I take the pills.
And I get in the car.


I'm in my bad, and I have a terrible headache: I spent the night crying, and probably vomiting, I don't remember much.

I look around: the door and the windows are closed, and the air feel innatural.
I'm sweating, so I take off my shirt.
Next to my bed, on the night table, there are some pills and a cup of water.

I close my eyes, and think of everything that happened.
I messed up.
I start to cry again, silently, to not be heared by my parents.

My body is full of bruises: yesterday night dad punished me because I escaped.
I don't remember much, though.
But the pain helps to remember.

I sigh, and take the pills, in the hope that they will help me forget.
I miss him so much..
I had everything, and I ruined it.
I know, I could put the fault on my parents, but..

I get up, walking out of my room.
In hope to not see them and their fake smiles again.
They decided to retire me from school and put me to work again for them.
I take the new clothings and i go back to change: I put on some jeans, a brown sweater and my converses.

Tweek Bros doesn't have a uniform, but I have to wear something brown.
But it's okay, Craig told me that I look good in brown.
Well, he doesn't know that I work there, tough.
I don't think that he will ever know, anyway.

I try to stay still, but I still dizzy.
I sigh.
I walk out of my room, and I go upstairs.
My parents are already at work.
I get out of the house and I walk to Tweek Bros.

I see people walking and having fun, but I can't do that.
I enter the coffee.
"Tweek, here you are! We thought that you wouldn't come!" my mom said, acting like a perfect mom.
Which she isn't, of course.

I nod my head, and I get behind the counter, taking client's orders.
"Tweek? Hi!" I look up.
In front of me there's an asian girl, with long black hair and dressed in pink, with a cute skirt and some sunglasses.
I think her name is Wendy.

Next to her there's a shortish guy will long black hair and a school uniform: that's Stan.
I know him, since I was in his friendgroup when I was a kid.
I slowly stopped talking to them, though.

"Dude, it's so nice to see you! We haven't seen you in forever! Well, it's just a week that you stopped coming to school, but nobody expected it!" he said.
Wendy just nodded.
"Craig was..sad? I still can't read him well"
Oh me neither Wen, don't worry.

"He was surprised though. It seemed like he felt guilty. I heard that he came searching for you? But I also heard that you guys broke up.
I'm sorry about that" she says, trying to use a comforting tone.

It's a week that I don't come to school?

Is it really so much time that all that mess happened?

Am I on drugs again?

Have I ever stopped?

I sigh.

I take Wendy and Stan's orders.
" was nice t-talking to you guys"
I put on a smile.
I know that they think I look sick.
I don't know since when I last ate.

When I was at Craig's house, he used to control me and remember me.
He helped me.
But now, time doesn't count and I don't know how many days have passed.

I try to concentrate on my work: not that they will pay me anyway.
Where would you go anyway?
They wouldn't let you go again.

I look up, looking at the outside.
I feel my heart jump.
Outside this stupid coffe, there's the guy I fell in love with.
The guy that I also hurt.

He's smoking.
Better smoking than drugging, anyway.

He's me?
I make eye contact with him.
He looks at me for a while.
I don't understand much, my head is still confused, by the pills, the drugs, the coffee, the fact that I don't sleep too much and-

I feel someone pull my hair.
"Did I say that you could have a break?"
I lower my gaze, and I return to work.

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