Chapter 14 'Christmas is coming'

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Chapter 14   ‘Christmas is coming’

Snow was swirling against the icy windows once more; Christmas was approaching fast. Hagrid had already single-handedly delivered the usual twelve Christmas trees to the Great Hall; garlands of holly and tinsel had been twisted around the banisters of the stairs; everlasting candles glowed from inside the helmets of suits of armours and great bunches of mistletoe had been hung at intervals along the corridors.

A whole five days of Christmas holidays were just one night away. Evanna lazed on her bed; too excited to go to sleep. She was done with her packing and had double checked it as well. She didn’t want the same incident to happen again what had happened when coming to Hogwarts.

Evanna’s mind was pulled into the day’s memory;

“How do you manage to walk through these corridors and still not get under these mistletoes!?” Evanna asked Harry as they met on their way to the library where Hermione was helping Ron finish his Herbology assignment.

“You look pissed off,” Harry remarked, “Anything happened?”

“Just left behind a leaning Ravenclaw guy,” Evanna started, “he crashed into the steel armour which was behind me! I mean, I don’t even know him!”

“Clam down, Ev!” Harry said as they got seated with Hermione and Ron in the library.

“What the bloody hell is up with you, Evanna?” Ron asked, lifting his head up from his parchment.

“Concentrate, Ron!” Hermione hissed.

“Ron told some guys are even trying to smuggle you love potions!” Harry started, “But he confiscated them and also gave one guy a nice blow...”

“Wow Ron! Thank you,” Evanna whispered, impressed.

Madam Prince was on their heads and eyeing them when anyone of them whispered a little louder.

“Oh! So you’re also going through the problem of ‘walking through the corridors and staying away from the mistletoes’?” Hermione inquired.

“Yup!” Evanna replied as she opened up an ancient looking book.

“Have you forgotten all about the hidden passageways we have been using for five years in our secret ‘missions’?” Ron exclaimed.

Evanna looked up at him with an open mouth, “How can I be so stupid?!” she said and slammed her forehead onto the open book.

“That is how I’ve been going to my classes,” Harry stated.

“Ya! But whenever you use the normal corridors; have you noticed that the girls come nearer the mistletoe?” Hermione asked.

“Yes, that’s the reason. I’m using the passageways and I think you guys should also join in... unless... you  have any other intentions..” Harry said, holding back a smirk.

“Oh please,” Ron said as Evanna aimed a book at Harry’s arm and Hermione sneered a Draco worthy sneer.

Lavender’s loud snore made Evanna come back from her thoughts. Lavender had adapted a new habit; snoring and that mostly made some girls wake up in irritation. Parvati Patil, who had unfortunately, a bed nearest to Lavender, even sometimes shook her so she would stop snoring.

Thoughts after thoughts swirled inside Evanna’s mind and after some time, she drifted into deep night sleep.


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